Home Pay Per Click Marketing Increase Landing Page Conversions – Here’s What Works

Increase Landing Page Conversions – Here’s What Works

by amol238

Landing Page Optimization with Thesis Theme

You stare blankly at the landing page of your website. It is hard to believe that even after spending thousands of dollars on such a great landing page for your PPC campaign it never got the desired leads. You’ve probably got everything right on the page for readers to convert, except a few minor elements that need more attention.

Here we are going to share some tips that might help you get better conversions from your landing pages.

The Bigger, The Better: Sizes does matter. When you design a landing page, you need to make sure that the image of the product or service that you offer is large enough to attract attention. Experiment with different font sizes and colors on the page to ensure that the message is clear and upfront.

Win Confidence: Landing page of your website should give a sense of trust otherwise, people may hesitate to fill out the the lead form. Use logos (ie. verisign, entrust) and testimonials to make the landing page and content trust worth and believable.

Be Brief: Too much content on the page may not be ideally for conversion. Too much of unnecessary information that is not relevant to the product should be avoided. Being brief and to the point will ensure a high conversion rate.

Short Registration Form: This is one of the critical factors of a successful landing page. People are averse to the idea of filling up a long form. Try to keep the number of fields to a minimum. Avoid asking the readers to fill unnecessary details that are not required. Use the KISS ( Keep It Short and Simple ) principle, short and simple is the secret to maximize conversions

Give It a Personal Touch: Your landing page should have a WOW factor and it should be powerful enough to keep the visitors engaged for a few seconds. Enough time for him to be interested in reading the content and giving you the information.

Creating landing pages that convert is an art and science, you may have to test out a few pages before you go with the landing page that actually works.

The Thesis Theme Framework works well to design landing pages with high conversion rates.

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Steven Papas September 24, 2011 - 10:39 am

Well done James, that was a great post. I like you points, but I want to add something else, too. From my experience with my own websites which after a lot of work they make me a good revenue through affiliate marketing, I have seen that webpages should be slick and clean. Too much java, ads, images and animation not only make the page heavy and slow but they destruct the visitor who looks for a specific information. It’s easy to lose a prospective client if the page is packed up with information and flashing clutter. Like you say, being brief is very important maintain a high conversion rate in our pages. Keep up the good work James

Elizabeth September 25, 2011 - 12:04 am

Good point Steven. It is very important to anticipate the kind of visitors we have especially when it comes to age. Elders don’t have the same mentality and patience than the younger ones. The more time they spend looking for a specific information the least thought we expect that they will remember our page. Or bookmark for sure. 🙂

Thanks for a great post James good job

SEO September 27, 2011 - 8:05 pm

Great post James. When we say quality content – it is quite difficult for many to understand what that means. A great website that really converts is the right direction rather than a website that has no calls to actions at all. Depending on the industry of course. Thanks for sharing!

James@BistroMD Coupons October 3, 2011 - 12:41 am

Yes, many people thing quality means reproducing the same thing. To see high conversion, you need to put on the shoes of the users and ask yourself whether you would like to click on the call to action button. if the answer is negative, you need to experiment with the look and feel.

Kelli October 9, 2011 - 1:08 am

I agree that your landing page should instill trust. I’ve landed on so many pages that made me want to leave immediately because it looked so untrustworthy.


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