Home Search Engine Marketing 4 SEO Tips Certified By Google for Better Search Indexing of Your Blog

4 SEO Tips Certified By Google for Better Search Indexing of Your Blog

by amol238

Google Certified

Search Engine Optimization is the key to success for every website or blog especially the “Organic SEO” which is preferred when one is building his own link network. Search Engine spider’s crawls or indexes a webpage or a website according to its content maturity and how efficiently it has been optimized for good content display and better indexing.

Google certifies following given below SEO tips for better search indexing.

Tip 1: Genuine fresh content

Every web publisher is strictly advised to never ever copy a single word phrase from any website. Search engine algorithms have been designed in such a way that they discard the website featuring the plagiarized content. Copying anyone’s copyrighted content is strictly prohibited by Google or any search engine.

Content Backed up by Good Keywords:- Search spiders index a content by indexing its keywords so a good content is that which contains suitable keywords according to the content posted. Keywords are the main search query items so every publisher must do a good research in backing up his content with some niche keywords.

Tip 2: Keyword Density

It is the most crucial factor from SEO’s point of view. Flooding your content with more number of keywords than required lets it being reflected as spam content by search engines. So to be on a safe side, do obey Google’s policy of maintaining an optimum keyword density of around 3%-7% for 350 word content.

Point to be considered very much is that every search engine has different algorithms for their search bots so when you are optimizing your website for Google, stick to this keyword density otherwise exceeding it will result in penalizing you content form Google.

Tip 3: User friendly navigation and design

There are various types of contents which are not indexed by any search engine spider’s like flash content, images and videos unless they are specially optimized by applying different SEO techniques other than required for text contents. Google bot lay emphasis on the efficient navigation in the site as from search spiders point of view as well as users. Publisher must have a clean and light background look for their websites.

Using of more JavaScript dependent menu navigation bars makes it difficult for search spiders to index the links among them; so on safe side HTML menu navigation bars must be preferred.

Tip 4: Niche neighborhood Backlinks

An important factor in deciding a website’s page rank by Google is the number of good neighborhood backlinks a website have. Publishers should always pay great concern regarding this fact to let their site indexed better. Remember having backlink from any website will not help only high page ranked websites by Google which in legitimate way drives traffic can help a website in building its link network.

To always stand at the very first page of Google’s search result, you need to follow up the above given SEO tips. Organic SEO helps in building a website’s rank in search results with some efforts put by the publisher but there is also a paid SEO which requires publisher’s to pay up for a better search position in results. So it’s always the publisher who practices these techniques and he builds his website by implying any method of his choice.

This is a guest post by Anup Kayastha, you can check out the guidelines to guest post here.

Image Credit: SEM Geek

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Kokz@Love poems August 14, 2011 - 5:46 pm

Anup. I ain’t that sound when it comes to SEO. You can grade me as a newbie. Really learned a few great things from your article.

Anup Kayastha August 15, 2011 - 8:12 am

I’m glad it helped you a lot 🙂

Kalesh August 23, 2011 - 8:49 am

Yeah man, this post helped me a lot to understand about keywords. Earlier I was filling my posts with keywords. Stopped doing that!

Outdoor Kitchen Equipment August 15, 2011 - 6:30 am

Hey Anup !
I really admire and appreciate your firm and well fabricated 4 SEO tips,Genuine fresh content is first requirement because Google panda is in action,optimum keyword density is another key to be get ranked higher in search engines,website should looks professional,eye catching colors,light backgrounds,easy navigation(user friendly) and only optimize flash work if it is essential to be there and Google loves valued Backlinks,so it should be a priority for any blog owner.I always believe in an Organic SEO,because it shows the passion of a person indulge in this industry.

Anup Kayastha August 15, 2011 - 8:14 am

You are true! This is how we go and get success in blogging 🙂

Retweet Exchange August 15, 2011 - 7:51 am

Hi Anup this is great content. I am hoping it will help my SEO efforts. Will be checking your blog regularly.

Anup Kayastha August 16, 2011 - 7:46 am

Sure! I’ll see you around 😉

Jashandeep August 17, 2011 - 1:59 am

As fresh content play a vital role in SEO .Repetition of keyword also does matter to improve the page rank of the site.Use HTML code as much as you can use in the design because Google prefer the HTML.

shah @ PNR Status August 17, 2011 - 11:25 am


Great Tips. I would like to include brief content writing as well. Explain what you want your users to understand, you are through.

internet marketing August 20, 2011 - 3:39 am

I have applied many techniques for indexing my blog fast but failed and i have satisfied too thanks for sharing, can u come up with indexing tips of site.

james smith August 20, 2011 - 1:27 pm

Hey Anup !
Nice job in this posting. You have showed the best methods not just Google certifies but rather the all search engines prefer to see on sites applied to them . Genuine content will point right away to your post. Keywords help every search engine to choose what to show. Good design also helps but for quick and reliable result building backlinks will make the major boost to your google rank . You should use also social media since they are more and more considered by Google. SEO is the best and includes most of those points. Visit us to get the service you desire

SEO California August 24, 2011 - 5:31 am

That’s a really a good information regarding the SEO. Matt Cutt has been doing his great jobs on making a good algorithm for searching a web content.

neo August 25, 2011 - 10:12 am

Hello Anup

Tip 3: User friendly navigation and design – this also play important role, never know about that before.

Tom@Transcription Services August 28, 2011 - 8:56 pm

Keyword density has tricked me a bit recently. One of my sites wasn’t ranking high enough for my keyword, so I have added a couple of them on the main page. Next thing I know in a couple days is that it is ranking much lower. When I have removed some extra keywords, in a number of days it was back where I originally started from.

Kelli October 9, 2011 - 1:02 am

I cannot for the life of me figure out why some bloggers obliterate their posts with keywords – it’s not worth the risk!

Melbourne real estate November 10, 2011 - 4:52 am

When it comes to dealing with Google, its better to stay on the safer side. Its really important to play by the rules. Keywords for instance, should be used very carefully, its important to know how much is enough since stuffing too much makes it look spammy.

Sagar November 10, 2011 - 10:33 am

These are some great tips Anup, content is the king 🙂


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