Home Social Media Marketing 8 Easy Ways to Get More Traffic from Pinterest

8 Easy Ways to Get More Traffic from Pinterest

by amol238


Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social sites on the web. After only a few years, this site already has over 70 million users. Pinterest is a site that has found a way to profit from the huge popularity of images today.

People are instantly drawn to compelling images. They are likely to share them with others, and to take a look at links in the description. This is why a site such as Pinterest has managed to get so popular so quickly.

Let’s look at some of the most effective ways to use Pinterest for traffic.

Why Pinterest is so Powerful

You Can Create Multiple Boards

If you aren’t already using Pinterest, let me tell you it’s simple and free to sign up. Once you do that, you can start to create boards. A board is like the visual equivalent of a blog, where you can “pin” images from all over the web (or ones that you created).

You can create as many boards as you want. This is a powerful feature in itself, because it means you can target different niches very well. Even one business can have several boards for different themes or sub-topics.

SEO Benefits

Pinterest boards are indexed by the search engines. You can optimize your images with descriptions and insert links. This is what allows you to get traffic directly from your pins, and also to get the search engines to list them.

Build Credibility

You can use your boards and images to help build your brand. When people start following you, they will keep up with what you’re posting.

Viral Potential

Just as your tweets can be re-tweeted, so your pins on Pinterest can be re-pinned. This means that everything you pin has the potential to be shared, bringing you more exposure and followers.

These are some of the reasons why Pinterest is becoming a major force on the internet, and why it’s so useful for marketing purposes.

Pinterest Tactics

As you start to familiarize yourself with Pinterest, there are some strategies that can help you get even more traffic.

1. Use Keywords

You should name all of your images keeping your main keywords in mind. That way both users and search engines can locate them.

2. Provide Helpful Info

Depending on your niche, you can use Pinterest to provide your audience with useful information. Keep in mind what your followers want to learn and seek out relevant images. One way to use your pins as learning tools is to create interesting infographics.

3. Be Entertaining and Funny

Not all of your pins have to be serious. It’s good to post humorous and fun images as well.

4. Use Hashtags

Hashtags , which have been long popular on Twitter, make use of the # symbol to place a certain word or theme in a group. You can use this on Pinterest in the description area.

5. Post Consistently

This is a principle to keep in mind with any marketing related task. With Pinterest, it’s not difficult to pin to your boards regularly. It only takes a moment to choose an image and write a description.

You should pin something to each of your boards at least once daily. The more you do this, the more chance that your images will be shared and bring you lots of traffic.

6. Choose Timely Topics

Keep up with the news and trends in your niche and pin items that are relevant. This will help make your boards popular and keep people interested in what you are pinning.

7. Connect Pinterest to Other Social Sites

You can set up Pinterest so that all of your pins are automatically listed on Facebook and Twitter. If you don’t want to do this for everything, you can do it manually when you want to.

This is a way to get some of your Facebook friends (or people who “like” your page) and Twitter followers to also follow you on Pinterest. They can also share your pins on these sites.

8. Set Up a Business Account

Pinterest now gives you the option of joining as a business. The rules for doing this are a little stricter than for a general account, and you must provide them with accurate information about yourself.

A business account doesn’t look any different, but it comes with some advantages (some of which are still in the future, as business accounts are a recent feature on Pinterest). With a business account, you will have access to features like analytics and targeted ads.


If you aren’t using Pinterest yet (or have an account but aren’t using it much), now is the time to get started. This is a social media site that is growing very fast. As the internet becomes more image-based, you have to use tools that reflect this.

Pinterest gives you the ability to target your audience with precision. You can create boards for every possible topic or interest. Everything you pin can be shared, not only on Pinterest but also on other social sites like Facebook.

To get even more out of your Pinterest boards, you may want to sign up for a business account. There is no excuse not to be using Pinterest. It’s free and it’s a great way to gain targeted traffic!

Image Credit: ShardsOfBlue

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Jasmine August 2, 2013 - 11:50 pm

I like the Pinterest cake! Looks yummy heh…

Prakash August 3, 2013 - 7:25 am

I have been doing this for my blog. I like to write my blog post and if possible I design an infographic that illustrates the subject or I’ll pick something from my article and turn it into a little poster with a phrase.

I experimented by logging into Google Analytics to see the live visitors. I then pinned my blog post infographic and within 3 mins there were 11 new visitros and people had already repinned my pin. Prett cool stuff.

Tushar August 3, 2013 - 7:29 am

Pintrest is definitely here to stay…as it also offers videos to be pinned which dint even start taking off. For now pictures are doing great and for any one trying to capture visitors, they will have to be where people are..and people are on Pinterest for sure. The above mentioned tips will surely help a lot of people effectively use Pinterest and to get a lot out of it.

Sagar nandwani August 3, 2013 - 7:31 am

Thanks for this great article Melanie and if I read you correctly I need to create a unique picture or graphic for each blog post and link it correctly, also make sure I have the pin plugin on my site. That seems quite easy and doable, thanks again.

Becca August 4, 2013 - 9:14 pm

Sure thing that Pinterest is not just for pictures alone., we should make full use of it.

Hariot @ VITEB August 5, 2013 - 7:30 am

Pinterest is well known social media site nowadays.

Sani August 5, 2013 - 3:00 pm

Great advice, I definitely agree that it is worth your time to use Pinterest.

STEVEN J. FROMM, ATTORNEY, LL.M. (TAXATION) August 10, 2013 - 2:03 pm

I have just started to get involved with Pinterest so your post is of great value to me. As an attorney, it was hard to get interesting pictures to coincide with my blog and website posts. But I am now getting the hang of it. I have not set up multiple boards yet.
I am going to start to employ all of your tactics as you have explained their value and applicability. Thank you so much for this great guide.

Becca August 13, 2013 - 6:50 am

Great concern about SEO, I wish you will post another concept how to build trust with social media,

How Do You Make A Blog August 16, 2013 - 7:11 am

Good article. I’ve been interested in incorporating Pinterest into my marketing efforts, but have not looked into it yet. This should get me started.

– Tom

Jasmine August 18, 2013 - 4:20 am

That’s great Tom. Every success starts from somewhere… good luck with your blog.

daksh October 13, 2013 - 1:41 am

I have been doing this for my blog. I like to write my blog post and if possible I design an infographic that illustrates the subject or I’ll pick something from my article and turn it into a little poster with a phrase.

I experimented by logging into Google Analytics to see the live visitors. I then pinned my blog post infographic and within 3 mins there were 11 new visitros and people had already repinned my pin. Prett cool stuff.

daksh October 13, 2013 - 1:47 am

Pintrest is definitely here to stay…as it also offers videos to be pinned which dint even start taking off. For now pictures are doing great and for any one trying to capture visitors, they will have to be where people are..and people are on Pinterest for sure. The above mentioned tips will surely help a lot of people effectively use Pinterest and to get a lot out of it

Kishore October 27, 2013 - 8:22 am

Well said! At Allen & James Interior design we started using Pinterest to show off our work. Its also a great place to send our clients for them to see a wide range of design options very quickly so that we can narrow down their likes and dislikes and focus on a specific style.


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