Home Search Engine Marketing Be Introduced To An SEO Professional & Internet Marketer DanLew.com

Be Introduced To An SEO Professional & Internet Marketer DanLew.com

by amol238

Today I have the pleasure of introducing Daniel Lew who is one of the top SEO professionals and Internet Marketers from Australia.

Daniel travels around regularly to and from Thailand and other parts of the globe both expanding his client database by networking, marketing and blogging.

He has had the pleasure of owning several internet companies in the past 5 years some in which are SEO related with offices both in Thailand and Australia.

He used to own Thailand’s no.1 business directory getting 1 million page view per month along with many other online projects.

The thing that doesn’t slow Daniel down is as long as there is an idea and an opportunity he takes it and gives it all he has got!

Although he was a late starter since the internet was born he really made up for his lost time quite quickly.

I had the pleasure of blogging for Daniel in the past on his website GSEO.net/blog and from what I know he is certainly very switched on with what he knows.

SEO professional & Internet Marketer Dan Lew

What is DanLew.com all about?
From what I understand Daniel Lew has been heavily involved with marketing for the past 17 years from the age of 15 up until his current age of 32. He as covered most angles that any other marketer would not have. Including hands on graphic designer from an early age then working with media companies throughout Australia, door to door sales (so her is a go getter!), owning multiple businesses and achieving great levels of success through the internet.

Daniel was Top door to door salesman of the year in 2003 in Victoria Australia for selling satellite TV for Salesforce in between his Marketing career as you can see here .

He admits being a door to door salesman was one of his highlights as it taught him how to be strong, handle rejections and grow as a person.

He has used his background experience to share with his readers and community tips and tricks and advice on how to get more traffic to your website through the search engines and social media along with internet marketing ideas and ways to make money online through some simple forms of affiliate marketing.

Daniel spends around an hour a day blogging on his website Danlew.com. He talks about Affiliate Marketing, SEO, Internet Marketing and ways to Make Money Online!

“Daniel has owned numerous companies and has been working with Marketing since the first Power Macintosh was introduced! “

Daniel claims he owns atleast 50+ websites, all to drive his sites traffic and make money. Some of his hand picked and more recent sites are:

1. GSEO.net/blog – A Search Engine Optimization services and community portal with a Global reach and over 500 SEO consultants. It also ranks 1st page in Google.com.au for “SEO Services”

2. SEO Revenge eBook – He is the original author of SEO Revenge. An Introduction to SEO mainly for beginners to intermediate learning.

3. Coupon Salsa – A Coupon website he recently launched which offers codes to get discounts for almost any brand or retail store.

Daniel has many other projects on the go including a hotel booking engine which he has quietly been working on for some time and will be soon ready for launch!

Video About DanLew.com

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Julian July 12, 2010 - 3:24 am

can you show his last projects in SEO field?

jtGraphic: James Thompson July 12, 2010 - 10:53 am

He might not want to share them because it might give his secrets away. Everyone has secret projects 😛

Dan Lew July 12, 2010 - 3:47 am

Thanks very much ZK, I appreciate your insight and depth on the write-up!

ZK July 13, 2010 - 6:22 am

You deserve all the mention Dan, you’ve built an amazing SEO community at GSEO.net/blog

I recommend all to check Dan’s SEO community blog at GSEO.net/blog

evan schulte July 12, 2010 - 10:31 am

Great interview and review. I am always looking for more interesting people to follow. I will have to check out his site.

SEO: TopCommenter.com July 12, 2010 - 10:49 am

It’s good to see people that have been in marketing longer than the Internet has been around.

used tires July 12, 2010 - 11:32 am

Really great to learn about Dan Lew! Seems I now have a new blog to follow 🙂 Can’t wait to learn even more about Dan!

Till then,


Plumber Sydney July 12, 2010 - 6:12 pm

Great write up – am checking out his site now. I’ve also done extensive travel between Thailand and Australia. Love the place – was living there for 6 months recently. Can’t wait to get back!

Jeff Caceres July 12, 2010 - 6:52 pm

I have been a subscriber with Danlew.com because I was amazed of his topics about internet marketing and SEO. I truly admired of his work and to continue his success of being a true blogger like no other. I have learned a lot of SEO and internet marketing with Danlew.com, and it’s amazing guys!

I recommend this blog to all of you. Thumbs up pal!

Uzi July 12, 2010 - 9:07 pm

Someone who has been doing door to door sales would really know the everything about marketing.

Julius July 12, 2010 - 9:08 pm

This is an excellent introduction to Daniel and his works. I’ll certainly check out his sites and try to learn more from them

Sun Storage July 12, 2010 - 11:12 pm

This is the good opportunity for us that we can learn more in SEO thought this kind of platform and professionals.

Dan Lew July 13, 2010 - 3:19 am

Thanks for all the positive comments guys, for those of you who would like to get the most information from me be sure to subscribe to my site. Thank you once again!

Ethan Jones July 13, 2010 - 3:29 am

Hi – I am following different projects Daniel have been working on and blogs he have been submitting his great inputs to. He have done work for me on several occasions and I am always amazed on the things he manage to do with even small budgets. He know the tips and tricks and people would be smart to listen to his great ideas and inputs.

Regards, Jones, Florida

Cijo Abraham Mani July 13, 2010 - 3:38 am

I have been a regular blogger on Dan Lew’s GSEO.net/blog . I have been doing freelance SEO Consultation in past and now I am blogging about the latest SEO trends and updates. GSEO.net/blog is a useful resource for new SEO’s. You can always subscribe to Dan Lew’s for latest SEO updates. I would also invite SEO Consultants all around the world to join the website and share their SEO knowledge.

If you like to get in touch with me then you can contact me through my Twitter ID

Colleen July 13, 2010 - 6:17 am

“Daniel claims he owns at least 50+ websites, all to drive his sites traffic and make money.”

Yikes! Daniel is a busy guy! I have a hard enough time just keeping up with one site!

Gavriel Shaw July 13, 2010 - 6:30 pm

Since meeting Dan in Thailand back in 2006 I’ve seen him go from strength to strength with broader experience, more focus, and more success. I look forward to the results of a couple of ‘secret’ projects that I’m working on with Dan too. Good blog post.

Bidet July 14, 2010 - 4:38 pm

Wow that’s impressive, all the sites that Dan owns. You can learn so much from Dan and his work. Thanks for introducing us to him. Ill be sure to check out his sites.

smart metering July 23, 2010 - 12:58 am

I think he has really huge task as having so many websites and getting traffic for all of them. This is really very impressive thing to know about den and one can definitely learn something from his outstanding work.


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