Home Search Engine Marketing SEO PowerSuite – A Comprehensive Search Tool to Rank High

SEO PowerSuite – A Comprehensive Search Tool to Rank High

by amol238

SEO is one of the oldest and the best ways for you to gain traffic, if you get it right it gives you FREE traffic for a long time. This results in higher income for your online business. The challenge is to get it right the first time , so that you don’t have to keep struggling to get high on Google and other search engines.

While there are a number of tools in the market that will help you get your website results on top of search engines, not all of them are comprehensive in terms of output. I recently downloaded one of the top SEO tool kits in the marketing – SEO PowerSuite.

What is SEO PowerSuite?
SEO PowerSuite is a comprehensive suite ( as the name suggests ) of four software tools all packed in one powerful package. We shall dig deep into each of these four powerful software tools and how these build up when put together to deliver an ongoing stream of visitors from not only Google but over 700 search engines.

Inside SEO PowerSuite:
SEO Powersuite comprises of fours critical software tools, each of them very solid and powerful in its own domain.The four tools are like four solid foundations of the SEO Powersuite. You can check out all these SEO tools one by one or invest in any one or two of them to start your SEO initiative.

Let’s look at each one of them and their relevancy to your search initiatives.

Rank Tracker:

Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker

– The success of any SEO initiative depends on effective rank monitoring. Rank Tracker is one of the top rankings software tools available in the market, its powerful algorithm helps pull ranking of keywords from over 700 search engines.

With Rank Tracker you can:
– Check your rankings in over 700 search engines.
– Monitor your competition and check where they rank
– Past data ranking of your keywords to help you know if your keywords have shown an increase or decrease in ranking.

With Rank Tracker you can easily discover profitable keywords, the simple user interface gives you accurate and exhaustive information about your keywords and their trends in over 700 search engines.

How to check rankings across search engines with Rank Tracker

Step 1 : Type in URL

Rank Checker

Step 2: Select search engines

Search Engines List

Step 3 : Monitor keywords
Rank Tracker - Keyword Search

Rank Tracker does a great job to show ranking of key phrases in a few seconds.

Check out Rank Tracker

SEO Auditor

SEO Auditor

SEO Auditor

This is the second software tool in the SEO suite, a powerful application that runs to scan your entire website in a few seconds. It works to audit your website or scan your website in totality.

Before you promote your site or activate any SEO initiative it is important to ensure that your site does not have technical issues (ie. 404 error pages, pages not linked, etc. ). The task of ensuring that the website is optimized is a must for all web business owners.

SEO Auditor is a perfect fit in such a scenario; it works to optimize your entire site. It looks at pages that can’t be crawled or have issues and presents the data in a friendly readable format.

SEO Auditor helps you analyse and fix some of the critical issues of your site
– Broken links
– 404 error pages
– Pages not indexed
– Missing titles and meta descriptions
– Other issues that interfere with the site’s rankings

Once you get the above issues identified, it becomes easy to rank on search engines. The tool has neat and complete range of report that will help you improve your ranking.

Spy Glass:

SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass

This is one of my favorite tools in the entire suite. Spy Glass is a powerful tool that helps you check back links of your site. It tracks the foot prints of your site across the web and shows you where you stand v/s competition. The tools is easy to install and checks for backlinks in a matter of seconds.

With SEO Spy Glass you’ll know :

– Where to get high quality links and rank better
– Which anchor text send you the more clicks.
– How many links will it take for your site to zoom on top of the results.

Advance users can use the tool to check competitive results and backlinks in great detail. The tool is easy to use and is one of my top tools from the suite.

Link Assistant

SEO Link Assistant

Link Assistant

This is the fourth tool available in the suite. This tool helps you manage your link building activities, which form the crux of any SEO initiative. Link Assistant will help you speed up your link building activity and offer one of the most secure and effective way to build your sites popularity.

The power of links help rank a website, the links are accessed based on two aspects
– the number of links and the quality of link

Based on the niche , this tool helps you identify high Page Rank sites and makes your job easy to identify them. Once these are identified you can contact them for a link exchange or a link promotion activity.

With the help of link assistant you can easily establish a link building strategy for your site. Have a mixed of one way links, 2 way links, 3 way links and reciprocal links to help you push your website ranking high.

SEO Power Suite is one of the top SEO tool in the market and is very affordable. I recommend you to check it out.

Check out SEO PowerSuite

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Tony April 4, 2011 - 1:12 pm

With these SEO software package, it can help us gain a good result.

Affiliate Profits April 5, 2011 - 3:46 am

I have just checked it out, and, it looks pretty good. I will definitely give it a try.
I have a question for you. Is the free edition worth it or should I get myself SEO PowerSuite?

Affiliate Profits May 17, 2011 - 12:46 am

I have got a free version. So far so good. saves me heaps of time.

Jane K Elvisky April 5, 2011 - 2:12 pm

To be honest, SEO Spyglass is the best tool from this suite. I am using it on a daily basis and I cant imagine my SEO life without it.

Karen April 5, 2011 - 7:39 pm

This looks like a powerful tool; with the rank tracker is their a way for it to Find which keywords my site ranks for, or do I have to enter the keywords whose rank I want checked manually.

SEO Gold Coast April 5, 2011 - 9:51 pm

I did use this software for about a week to test it out, and to be honest I didnt really think it was worth the money. Doing things manually might take you a little longer, but I found you got better data and you will not get your IP address labeled as a scraper.

ZK@Web Marketing Tips April 6, 2011 - 7:40 am

These are SEO tools , you won’t be able to do any thing manual here and there is no relevance to your IP.

jilianne @ website marketing tips April 6, 2011 - 2:12 am

Spy Glass and Link Assistant look very promising. I’m going to run a quick research and I’ll see if its really worth a try. Thanks for sharing 🙂

MBA college in gurgaon April 6, 2011 - 3:34 am

Seo is the best way for free traffic on your site.
And I think this tool will provide much better results.
Thanks for such a great post!

Peter Lawlor April 6, 2011 - 12:58 pm

Thanks for the SEO software recommendation. Rank Tracker is one I’ve never heard about, but believe it will be useful for competitor analysis, which I do quite a bit of … especially before entering new markets.

Giochi April 6, 2011 - 3:22 pm

This is definitely on of the best tools ive ever seen …

Ive not used many of them but I always read and check reviews…
everyone should totally try it if really want to get successful ))

thanks, great post.

Jasmine April 8, 2011 - 3:57 am

Thanks for the sharing. These SEO tools look really good. I especially like Link Assistant!

aliceJane April 13, 2011 - 4:30 am

Hi, according to recently posted commnets I assume you have bought it yet. I am going to do it so because it looks pretty useful 🙂

Entrepreneur Training April 14, 2011 - 10:51 am

I understand the importance of a good SEO tools for myself. I like review of this tool and would like to say that everything sounds perfectly. The suite seems to include all the necessary tools to control SEO campaign of any website! Great solution and I will definitely consider it for the future!

New Car deals India April 18, 2011 - 5:26 am

SEO PowerSuite really works, I have heard from many of my friends whose who have their own blogs or are doing seo. I havent used it now, but want to use such a great tool as I wasnt fully aware of the great profit we will get.
Thanks a lot for providing such a great stuff.

Samantha Dermot April 18, 2011 - 1:46 pm

The SEO Power Suite is indeed a very useful tool or website optimization. It really helps a business to be found by thousands of new people daily and hence helps to secure new levels of online profit.
The most important feature about this software is its ability to work on different platforms may it be Windows, Linux or Mac.
Those who are new in this business should surely give it a try.

Techabouts April 20, 2011 - 12:47 pm

i think SEo powersuite is a must have tool.
I read some reviews and purchased it.
When I tried it , it was awesome.
Also SEO Spyglass is great feature.

Katy April 22, 2011 - 2:40 pm

Thanks for the usefull information. I think rank tracker is good for monitoring and comparing..

Promotional Products May 17, 2011 - 12:30 am

Yes, you are right SEO is the best thing to do if you want to jump high in search engines

weight loss reviews August 17, 2011 - 11:10 am

SEO PowerSuite Link Assistant can quickly mine e-mail addresses, automatically e-mail site owners, establish link building partnerships, and check to see whether or not your link building partners are linking back to you.All on complete autopilot.

SERP Checker Reviews September 19, 2011 - 2:07 am

Rank tracker is a pretty awesome piece of software, I’ve never actually used the auditor software before – is it any good?


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