At times social media marketing and the networking aspect of it all can be over whelming and stressful. I know this because everyday of my life has some part of social networking and or social media marketing added into it.
The important thing to remember about social networking and social media marketing is that it’s not a product or service you’re selling it’s a brand and that brand happens to be you.
Developing your brand so it has a positive out going influence on your surroundings is so important. I always suggest being as positive as possible. Always be the informational type of individual that is willing to help others at any cost.
I wrote an article a little while back that describes social networking tips for bloggers and main stream marketers. I think it’s worth a read because I touch base and answer many of the questions bloggers and online marketers have daily regarding successful social media marketing.
I always tell people to be their selves when marketing online. The best thing is to build up a trust with your readers. Let’s them know you care and are sincere in helping them be better or do better.
If you’re working hard and getting less and less results perhaps it’s time to re evaluate your marketing strategies. Look at where you’re spending your time and decide if the return on time invested is worth your daily efforts.
Don’t let online marketing get the best of you. Continue working hard and re-evaluating yourself monthly. With hard work and determination I know you will all do fine. Social media is not a fad so get used to the idea as online marketing and social networking is the wave of our generation’s future.
If I was to give one solid piece of advice it would be to learn from your mistakes. I’ve meet thousands of bloggers online but didn’t create the perfect relationships with all of them. I have made mistakes and I try to learn form then so that I don’t’ end up doing the same mistake twice.
On the flip side don’t’ let people push you around either. Make it known that you don’t get manipulated and you do stand your ground. Simply put know when to pick your battles.
I want to send a big thanks out to ZK for letting me guest post here on his blog. I also want to tell you a little about myself. I’m Brian owner of the blog engage social network. I blog full time there on our community blog. I hope you all enjoy my article. Post a comment below I’ll be sure to check in daily and subscribe to additional comments.
Contact us if you want to guest post on this blog. Image Credits: Hubspot
Marketing is the major source to uplift any kind of business, and a good marketer always analysis the nature of the business then make a strategy to act upon it.soom
Hi Jordan, thanks for posting a comment and sharing some feedback. It would be an amazing world if all marketers were smart enough to use the simplicity of your strategy.
Nice article – I checked out Blog Engage and it looks pretty neat.
Thanks for posting this Brian.
Hey Profit thanks for the kind words on our community. I hope you enjoyed my guest article.
Blog engange is amazing! I just tested it and it really helps me a lot!
Hi Extreme thanks for the compliment. I hope you enjoyed the article.
Brian, managing a social network or a bookmark site is not an easy job!
I believe it’s kind of crazy to try making a “strong” relationship with 1000s of bloggers or community members, but at least you have this chance to make use of it in several ways, because you don’t have to find them anywhere, they actually coming to you
So, the best way is to support them when you have a chance, and this is what I experienced with you since I know you, and you are doing it very well!
While I am sick of hearing success stories, I really prefer learning from mistakes
Thank you for the good post!
Hello Hesham, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my article. I agree many people can learn from mistakes but you can also learn from success. So far managing blog engage has been a blast and this is where I got most of my social media ideals.
I’m fairly new to social media marketing and it is refreshing to know that somebody actually says out loud that it is overwhelming. Thank you for this. I’ve met some savvy marketers online promising me the world if I put some money into their strategy. Too late for me to realize though that it was just money down the drain
Even if it will take me some time to learn the ropes, I am taking things into my own hands now. Wish me luck
Hi there Jaime, sorry to hear about your bad experience. I know this happens to many people so keep your head up. It’s sad that people are online to do this to others but if you share your experience maybe it will happen to less people.
I’m glad your starting to take control of your online experience from here on out. You are your own social media brand! Work it!
ZK, you touched on building trust with the readers, I really think that is really important to do that. It’s super important to be yourself, and always be consistent in what you do. Just like in real life… if you are leading a lie… you can’t keep it up forever, so it’s always best just to be your true self.
Hi there Komodo, you make a great point about trust. It’s hard to obtain a high level of credibility online you have to work hard and continuously promote the same brand.
Thanks for the comment.
Brian has built an amazing community of bloggers and internet marketers at
If you haven’t heard of it as yet ..I recommend you to check it out
Hi ZK thanks for the compliment I really enjoy blog engage and ti’s amazing growth lately. I think my favorite aspect is the amount of real bloggers we have. Real people like you and me.
Great advice! I like the idea of evaluating monthly. It’s not something that I do with social media sites at all so I’ll add that tip to my monthly to do list. I also like Blog Engage it looks great!
Hi Leanne, Self evaluation is so important. if you don’t measure your success how do you know if your doing things right. Thanks for the compliment on blog engage. Were a small community but a very active one.
We are now right were we should be, attracting customers, building relationships and trust as we help them connect with each other.
Hi there and thanks for the comment. I’m glad you are where you should be with your business model.
Hi Brian. Doing this guest post is a great idea. I think this is the first time I’ve seen you outside of the Blog Engage “fold”
My favorite tip is the one about building trust which leads to having a strong reputation for your brand. You certainly have done that with Blog Engage. IMO it’s one of the best communities on the web. I’m looking forward to meeting some of the new members that will find out about BE from this guest post. Thanks for everything!
Hi Ileane thanks for stopping by and posting a comment on my guest article. I’m really happy you enjoyed it and if your interested I have another one you can real just message me on twitter and I will link you. I have about three more guest articles being released this week. It should be an interesting time as I view and reply comment to them all. I just love meeting new people.
I also think that if you have a page in social media sites like Facebook, you should try to be as personal as possible. Acknowledge those who have just “liked” your page and let your followers know that you are there to answer any question. This only takes a few minutes but it can show your readers you are sincere in helping them.
I love your ideas Julius and agree with you. I think doing anything that makes you look human is a great idea. Especially in a world where everything is automated.
Really nice! I actually like Blog Engage
Social media marketing is becoming one of my favorite methods for getting traffic, but still lacking the experience. This article had some really great tips.
when social marketing, you must also focus on people’s concern. you must view things from their point of view and answer as humanly as possible. It is you who is carrying the brand and you will shape on how people will look at the brand
Social Marketing is a good method for getting backlinks useful for improving Page Rank.
Social Media Marketing is really gonna be one of the most important trends in 2010. Online Marketing is about to change.
Social Media Marketing has always been a great source but in 2010 it really touch the peaks in next year its popularity will be increase.
You article proves that everyone can do social media , you just do it correctly and with strategy.