Home Blog Marketing 8 Simple Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

8 Simple Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

by amol238

Blogging Tips

Do you find it hard to drive traffic to your blog? Are you already getting traffic but you’re tired of the results you’re getting?

If your answer is ”yes”, the tips I’ll be sharing soon with you are going to help you overcome your challenges…

Don’t waste your time hiring SEO experts, to help build your blog (My sincere opinion).

They’ll probably try their best and help you hire some SEO content writers to help raise your blog in the search engines. I’m not trying to say this isn’t good but it takes a lot of time and a ton of your investment.

Why wasting your time on something that will take months or even a year to achieve instead of doing something simple but yet effective.

Know this.

The internet has changed– the search engine is getting wiser– they’re beginning to behave like humans. They feel, touch, and even kiss. Lol! Honestly, don’t expect to write a keyword stuffed article and expect to get a raise from the search engines. Forget it. It just won’t work!

Time has gone when people write keyword stuffed articles to promote their websites. Google now only recognizes blogs that churn out quality content at all times.

I’ll be sharing with you some tips I believe you know about–these tips are effective and I assure you that if you apply them, Google will bow before you.

The truth is that though these tips work, but you’ll also need a bit of hard work to make it happen. Time has gone when you just sit down in your balcony–turn on an SEO switch the search engines rewards you.

It won’t work this time. And if you’re already doing it, please stop because you’ll be making Google’s Police agent to come after you ( Google Panda).

Do you understand what I just said, are you flowing with me? Ok, Let’s move on. It seems we are on the right track.

Tip 1: Don’t neglect quality– It’s Google most important ranking factor. If you want Google to reward you with a huge online traffic and get you thousands of subscribers, ensure you publish quality content.

Craft out amazing content that will not only make the search engines give you a good spot, but will also amaze people that you’re not charging money for it.

Tip 2: Write case studies. Take your time to write and research–this is the only way to show people that you know what you know what you’re doing and that you’re a professional who knows the craft better.

Put in your personality. Let people feel your voice. Use your words to paint who you are, where you come from and the things you can do. I’ve found out that people love reading conversational articles and at the same time simple to read.

Just a tip: Space your words- At most, 4 to 5 paragraphs is okay!

Tip 3: Start distributing your articles.
What most Affiliate marketers and in fact online entrepreneur do is to hire an Ezine writer who will churn out tons of content and then distribute to article directories and then you wait for that big payday wondering when those millions will start rolling in

If you do this or you’re already doing it, please stop. It will kill your business and in fact, it’s a complete waste of time.

Article syndication is the key you’ve been waiting for to drive massive online traffic to your blog. Why churn out 15 to 20 articles to distribute in article directories instead of spending out time to craft out one exceptional piece of article and then syndicate for online traffic?

I know you’re getting confused, are you? If you are, don’t be. I’ll be explaining step by step what I mean and I’ll be giving you life examples to help you understand better.

Now–you may ask, How can I syndicate my article? Simple and straightforward.

Tip 4: One of the best and In fact the first syndication process is to publish a quality article on Ezine.com ( only, my opinion).

Tip 5: Take out time to craft out exceptional and clickable headline that will make readers have a”A-ha” moment.

Tip 6: While doing this, post the content on your blog and then share with your networks. Share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. If content is business oriented, you can also post on Linkedln.

Tip 7: Join blogging communities, forums, and top social networks to increase your chances of getting traffic to your articles.

• Develop a close relationship with top bloggers in your niche.
• Craft out and send a quality guest post like I’m doing here to top blogs in your niche.
• Keep writing and sending your articles as guest posts. Guest blogging is a way of building quality backlinks to your blog pages…

Tip 8: Try using Facebook and Twitter ads…

Sorry for the long drawn out post. But I believe you are learning something from what I just shared with you. All I want from you is to start putting them to work today.

The best way to skyrocket your traffic is to take action. No one is going to build your business– you’re responsible for your blog’s failure or success; therefore, encourage yourself and put on your garment of hard work today!

Image Credit: Inju

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Rajkumar Jonnala October 29, 2012 - 8:08 am


Well all the tips are you’ve mentioned are awesome but i liked the Tip #1, As i mainly consider the quality to drive traffic to a blog.

thanks for the awesome post.

ZK October 29, 2012 - 9:11 am

Content is king….Quality content is important to get ranked on google

Rajkumar Jonnala October 30, 2012 - 11:23 am

yeah agreed, we must maintain a quality in the post and social media promotion is also an important way to drive good traffic.

Jasmine October 30, 2012 - 3:40 am

There is no questions about this. Content is the most important in a blog’s success. Without good content, even if you manage to get visitors to land on your blog, you won’t be able to retain them as a regular reader.

I always strive to produce good content on my blog. But lately, with the growing of a couple more blogs in my network, I began to feel the need to outsource some of my writing jobs. Hard to find time to write for all my blogs.

Wonder if anyone want to write for me? 🙂

daniel October 30, 2012 - 4:14 am

Hi Jasmine,

I could just write for you.

I just sent you an email.


Peter Zmijewski October 29, 2012 - 9:21 am

This is really helpful blog to everyone who are belongs to internet marketing.

ZK October 29, 2012 - 2:13 pm

Glad you liked it 🙂

Bloice Davison October 29, 2012 - 1:37 pm

I have been adding quality content (mine and my guest bloggers) since my site went online in May, but I am not getting the traffic that I want. How effective are the Facebook ads. In other words, are they worth the money? Thanks!

ZK October 29, 2012 - 2:11 pm

If you customize the ads based on your audience, you should get traffic

Jasmine October 30, 2012 - 3:43 am

These are definitely great traffic tips. Basically, write good content, promote it, socialize with fellow bloggers and advertise on Google or Facebook.

Anton Koekemoer October 30, 2012 - 5:47 am

Hi Daniel,

Great post. Thanks for sharing. And excellent “blog” image – Really stands out once you’ve noticed what it spells. Great tips you’ve shared as well,

Mike Jones October 30, 2012 - 8:29 am

All tips are really good and its very helpful in e-marketing thank you for the great blog.

Daniel Smith October 30, 2012 - 8:56 am

a nice article about traffic generation but i am looking for something new

rakesh choudhary October 30, 2012 - 10:39 am


Michel October 30, 2012 - 12:48 pm

I came to know how to pull the traffic to my site
and i will use the tips.

DailyTUT October 30, 2012 - 6:45 pm

Pretty useful tips that can increase the traffic in a good way without any complex techniques involved. Cheers and thanks for the great write up.


Quality Seo Services October 30, 2012 - 9:23 pm

I definitely agree with this sentence “Don’t neglect quality” because content is still the king and it is what your audience and readers want. Give them information that are fresh, unique, interesting and what they really like to know about.

Internet marketing October 31, 2012 - 8:19 pm

Getting traffic to that blog can be an even more challenging thing. Without traffic to your blog no one gets the opportunity to read what you’ve written.

Swet Nath @ content optimization services November 1, 2012 - 8:38 am

Nice post yes it is true that content is king and readers are the queen. All the above points are nice and informative but i would like to add some more like Submission of your Blog to Search Engines, Using links and trackback give advantage to your blog. Last but not least don’t forget to put image it will give your blog a great advantage.

Kuldeep November 1, 2012 - 2:15 pm


Wonderful post about the tips of increasing traffic. i liked all the tips which you’ve mentioned above.


Drew November 7, 2012 - 12:14 pm

Great tips. Number 1 is becoming more and more important as search engines are getting smarter. Quality over quantity.

shan November 8, 2012 - 6:44 pm

I am actually newbee and this tips will definitely help me. Till now my blog traffic is zero. And i hope that with time ,i will be able to see some improvement using your tips.

Eddie Gear November 12, 2012 - 12:59 am

Some of the core principles behind which I’ve built my blog. Love the tips and the way they have been written. Thanks a lot for sharing the ideas with everyone on ZK’s blog.

Junior November 12, 2012 - 2:52 am

Well i believe seo is the important thing from which we can drive awesome traffic. Thanks for the great tips all the wonderful.

Mike Cleveland December 1, 2012 - 3:29 am


this is a very good post with a lot of good information. One thing a person could do with their well write article, is re purpose it. Turn it into a video, podcast, or ebook to drive even more traffic to their site.

business logo December 10, 2012 - 11:37 pm

First of all i don’t think that without hiring a quality content writer we can promote our blog. I can writer good articles but i am not professional in this field and thats why i don’t writer for ezine because without expertise in content writing i don’t think anyone can writer good articles for blog. Second thing i want to ask is about “Twitter ads”. I heard about facebook ads and i know about it but to be honest i never heard about twitter ads, can you please writer a special post on this topic pleas?.

grand canyon rafting December 21, 2012 - 7:30 am

I came to know how to pull the traffic to my site
and i will use the tips.

grand canyon rafting December 21, 2012 - 7:31 am

I am actually newbee and this tips will definitely help me. Till now my blog traffic is zero. And i hope that with time ,i will be able to see some improvement using your tips


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