E-mail marketing, with 92% of the U.S. internet users sending and reading e-mail, according to Pew Internet and American Life Project, it’s a no brainer.
Right? Yes and no. E-mail marketing no longer reaches your audience the way it used to. People used to sit at their Gateway desktops every night, dial into their Netscape and check e-mails while watching Family Matters.
The story is now a bit different. One in five marketing e-mails is opened on a smart phone. This changes a few things for your e-mail marketing campaign. Though you may have to modify a bit, you can and should make it work in your favor.
Give Your Newsletter a Mobile Lift
More than ever, it’s now important that you design your newsletter in a way that can be read easily on a smart phone.
As more people get into smart phones, studies show it has become the predominant way to check e-mail. Comscore said that 70.1 million U.S. users check their e-mail via smart phone every year.
Luckily for you, as smart phone technology grows, so does the phone’s ability to properly display a regular e-mail. Simply changing the coding and creating a narrower design may be enough.
Provide Interesting Snippets
There is a certain amount of scan and move on that happens when the e-mail immediately pops into someone’s inbox. People are most likely to read your business newsletters while they wait to get their hair cut or meet with someone. Thus, by getting your most important information into the intro clip, you can avoid the immediate deletion.
Then later, while they are watching TV on the couch, or sitting in traffic, they’ll take the time to click through the full article.
Offer Discounts, Coupons, Etc
Now that you know you’re readers are often out and about while checking e-mail, take this opportunity to get them shopping. Offering coupons that can be used right off the smart phone will make their decision to buy your product much easier.
This in turn gives them more incentive to buy. Scoutmob, a growing mobile application, offers their deals directly off the smart phone, giving users easy access to the coupons. I once went to a restaurant simply because Scoutmob offered a deal I couldn’t pass up. With easy access I was in and out.
Make it Convenient to Complete Online Transactions Later
When someone is lazily reading through your e-mail before a meeting, it isn’t likely that they’ll make a purchase from their phone. Online purchasing holds a large spot in the e-commerce world, 80% of people in their early thirties to mid forties make frequent online purchases, according to FifthGear.
However, this has yet to take hold on the mobile platform. On the newsletter, provide your customer care phone number in a click to call manner, give them access to their “shopping cart” to buy later, or allow a sharing feature to make it easy for them to share products.
E-mail marketing still holds an important spot in every company’s business marketing plan, as it should. We are seeing, though, that it’s time to shift the model a bit.
As with everything, technology is changing the way your customers function, which means you must make a slight shift as well.
Image Credit: Carniro
Is mobile traffic important for the blog? because there are no such blog readers in mobile phones….
I’m not sure I can answer that question for you, I’m not totally sure what you’re asking. I was hoping to get across in this article that with a lot of email transactions being done on a phone, people are interacting with business newsletters, etc, differently and companies should be changing with that. I’m sorry that probably doesn’t answer your question!
These are really good tips to remember when we are designing newsletters. You are right, more and more users are using mobile phones so, it’s best if our newsletters are responsive – meaning will resize and adapt automatically to the type of browser or reader they are using.
Thanks, Jasmine. With our world moving as fast as it is, businesses need to learn to adapt or fade out, regardless of what it calls for. Thanks for reading!!