Home Technology 5 Creative Ways to Utilize Cloud Storage

5 Creative Ways to Utilize Cloud Storage

by amol238

cloud storage

There are lots of cloud storage groups out there today. With it’s January 2010 update to Google Docs, the search engine giant stepped onto the field; Dropbox is becoming increasingly popular; and Microsoft has advanced servers designed specifically for cloud purposes. Alternatives for cloud storage abound, however, many people are only using this space to backup their files, and are thus not getting the most out of this resource. Here are five creative ways to utilize your cloud storage system.

1: Replace Your FTP

Most cloud storage systems allow you to upload and download using some form of graphic user interface with a secure login, but that’s not the only method available to retrieve files. Many of the major cloud servers allow you to make an image public, and subsequently provide a virtual web address for file download.

If you’re currently using FTP to send bulky files to people, or to store larger company documents, consider tweaking your cloud space. This can negate the need for constant FTP interaction.

2: Use the Space for Collaboration

If a group of individuals is working on a creative project, you may want to utilize your cloud storage space as the main file storage location. This not only saves time in file sharing, it can also negate the risk of crossing wires by using non-current file versions. Some types of cloud storage space even allow for real-time collaboration on items like documents and spreadsheets (as with GDocs), content management (as with Silverline), and project management (as with Bootcamp).

3: Synchronize Your Workspaces

Dropbox has been popularized as a method of synchronizing your files from one location to the next. You can do more than simply keep current work files up to date, however. You can store your current system settings, contact information, and even software installation files in the cloud, allowing you to quickly create mirror workspaces anywhere that you have internet access.

4: Store Current Company Documents

The days of passing around memos have come to an end. Most of these files are sent electronically. Many of them are even sent multiple times because of updates or errors. Sadly, your employees are just as likely to refer to old versions. Not so if you use your cloud space creatively. Store the current version of company files there, and notify your staff when there have been changes. That way they can easily refer to the up-to-date iteration.

5: Create a File Version Trail

The lower limitations and heavy organization of cloud storage backup means that it’s relatively simple to create a trail of file versions. This makes it easier to revert to an older version, it can be an excellent resource as a project moves forward in different creative directions, and it’s a great legal resource should you ever need to demonstrate the work done on a project.

While backing up your files is still one of the major items of importance, you shouldn’t keep your view that narrow. These five creative uses are just a few ways you can maximize the positive impact of your company’s time in the cloud.

Image Credit: Freetoop

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Cool Web Developer October 21, 2010 - 12:21 pm

I am all for cloud technology ..great post Selena

used tires October 21, 2010 - 8:15 pm

I actually first heard of dropbox threw a friend who was adamant about it! It’s definitely an awesome service, and something that I feel is leading the way of whats to come for the future for sure!

Till then,


Property October 21, 2010 - 11:00 pm

I think that cloud storage technology is futuristic technology ….And the concept of dropbox is cool…

Anne October 22, 2010 - 9:56 am

All the 5 ways are very useful to us but I choose Dropbox among them. Dropbox is indeed amazing! I am currently using it and it is the easiest form of storing and sharing files.

Alex@Jocuri October 23, 2010 - 6:26 am

Hello Selena,
This are some cool way of using cloud storage. An other cool thing would be to use it as a content delivery network for your files and or website assets.
Also I often use microsoft webdrive to store my old files, just like a secondary hard drive!

Jeff Caceres October 24, 2010 - 12:59 am

Dropbox has become very popular nowadays, as well as the most innovative cloud storage technology. It does give a lot of futuristic purposes aside from file backups and storage. Best of all, Dropbox is free to use and download for all kinds of OS.

Good job!


Promotional Products October 24, 2010 - 6:41 pm

I’m still new to this type of storage, so I appreciate this article for shedding some light on this topic.

Software Development Company October 25, 2010 - 5:14 am

It’s really good way to utilize cloud storage. It’s really good service we can share and upload many files on that. Thanks.

Keywords to websites October 27, 2010 - 1:11 am

If i would have only read this at the beginning of the month before I bought my new dedicated server. gosh. lol.

Iphone 4 Jailbreak November 1, 2010 - 12:26 am

nice article Selena , is use Drop Box for all my cloud storage and syncing with other devices


Autonet rental November 1, 2010 - 5:04 am

Thank you for the information provided


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