Home Search Engine Marketing Top 5 Ways Google Can Help a Blogger – Other than Searching

Top 5 Ways Google Can Help a Blogger – Other than Searching

by amol238


Google is the undisputed ruler of the internet. What started off as a simple search engine has now developed into a gigantic octopus, spreading its tentacles in many different directions. Google has helped people coming from all walks of life in one way or another, same goes for bloggers.

The big G has a lot in the offing for bloggers. It offers a number of services that can help a blogger’s in many different ways, from content development to traffic generation.

Let’s take a look at the top five Google products that can be of great helps for bloggers.

1). Google Search

No matter how successful or unsuccessful its other products are, Google will always be known as the search engine that ruled the search market for years (and the tenure is not over yet).

Google Search holds the answer to almost everything, but here, I am not going to talk about the “searching made easy” by Google, instead I am highlighting the invaluable traffic and unique visitors sent to your blog from Google search, only if you can manage to rank for the right keywords, which is, easier said than done, but still Google deserves accolades for winning the trust of searchers, and making it worthwhile for bloggers to try and rank on one single platform.

2). Google Alerts

Want to keep a tab on the latest events and developments in the industry you are blogging on? Use Google Alerts! It’s critical for bloggers to stay updated and aware of the latest happenings in their sphere. For this purpose, there’s nothing better than the Google Alerts, a simple service that provides updates and new stories on the topic of your interest, right into your mail box.

All you have to do is enter the keyword you would like to monitor and the desired frequency, and you will never miss a noteworthy news, thanks to powerful Google crawlers who rarely miss anything on web. Google Alert is particularly helpful for bloggers covering topics like to technology, gadgets, mobile phones, real estate, or even SEO.

3). Google Reader

Google Reader is not some .pdf or ebook reader like Adobe Reader, It’s actually an aggregate service that lets you read the newly added articles, stories, and blog posts on your favorite websites, without having to visit each and every website you like to keep an eye on. All you need to do is, subscribe to these websites and let Google Reader do the rest.

It’s like an RSS feed that presents the latest information from hundreds of blogs at one place, and you can quickly scan through the titles and decide, which story is worth reading. Apart from the stories, it also provides more than enough inspiration and ideas to write on, which makes it a Godsend for those who find it difficult to come up with different titles on regular basis.

4). Google Plus

Finally! A social networking platform from Google that delivered, the network has already garnered 20 million users, which is no mean feat. This new social network provides you an excellent platform for networking, which is a must for bloggers for many reasons.

To start with, it lets you get into the circle of bloggers covering similar topics. The best thing about blogosphere is that there’s no professional jealousy or rivalry going on between bloggers, so this networking will benefit you in many ways.

For example, you can keep track of fellow bloggers and get the inspiration to write more, and write better . By occasionally writing guest posts for these blogs, you can get free yet very effective publicity for your blog, and last but not the least, you might even get some back links when some of your fellow blogger refers to your post in their article.

5). Google Keyword Tool

Google Keyword is a very powerful tool that is used primarily in PPC (and SEO) campaigns. For bloggers, it helps you identify keywords or key phrases, which are most searched, along with an idea of the competition. The numbers might not be accurate, still it gives you an idea of the topics people are looking for, and the topics that you need to write on.

So, there you are, five ways Google can help bloggers achieve the success, recognition, and inspiration they’re looking for. Please chip in with your ideas on how bloggers can make the most of other Google products not discussed in this article.

This is a guest post by Misheal, you can check out the guidelines to guest post here.

Image Credit: Will Lion

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TrafficColeman August 2, 2011 - 1:55 pm

People use Google Reader daily and it house the sites you want to keep track of. They are the best of letting you to on top of content.

“Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

Justine - The SEO Expert August 3, 2011 - 3:17 am

Google plus can help increase website exposure! Let’s add it in our web pages 🙂

Amrish Singh August 3, 2011 - 10:13 pm

Google have several services that are helpful for us . Google adsense program is the best program for me because no one can perform like this

Facebook Page Management August 4, 2011 - 1:32 am

Google+ is really doing just brilliant job, blog comment is only effective by Google only, i really love Google

ella August 4, 2011 - 8:41 am

I also like Google Insight it gives you that extra bit of info when you need it for blogs and other things. great post 🙂

Nick Stamoulis August 4, 2011 - 9:23 am

Google really does provide lots of valuable information, and the best part is that it’s free of charge. Google analytics is another great tool. Unless you operate a huge website that gets millions of visitors a day, Google analytics can provide you with all of the information that you need.

Boston SEO August 4, 2011 - 10:34 am

Google Alerts is an excellent tool to use to find other blogs that may interest you or that you may comment on to increase your rankings.

emerhana emmanuel August 4, 2011 - 8:00 pm

google is the internet god,he says i have given you everything to excel research and do well but keep the commandment.i gave u adsense,blogger,feedburner,google app,reader,plus,gmail,almight search,and more

Jasmine August 4, 2011 - 10:15 pm

You are right on! Google provides so many cool services which can help us in many ways as bloggers. I love to use Google Reader and Google Alerts too!

Thank you Google, and of course yourself, Misheal for bringing us such a good post!

sanu August 5, 2011 - 8:59 am

yes.. Google provides so many cool services which can help us in many ways as bloggers…..

web hosting forums August 5, 2011 - 11:09 am

I do accept that google search have question to every thing, but there is one point. If you’re going to get help for something you’ve no idea then it will be very hard to get online search, because its very hard to understand things from scratch online.

But if this is your field and you’re searching something regarding it, that can help you far better.

and now g+ is really awesome too, alot of people is joining it day by day even it has not been released for joining officially.

you can simply say there is endless opportunities with google.

rakesh August 6, 2011 - 1:52 pm

Good article, I know most of them and is using all of them to know the trends.

Pedro Cardoso August 8, 2011 - 10:20 am

I’m also keen on Gmail and its suite of much overlooked productivity tools such as Calender and Docs. Really useful stuff!

… although sometimes I cannot help but worry that Google is bent on world domination, waiting only for the moment they have reached critical mass of information about users. Which will happen in about two weeks or 3, at the current pace. >_<

Long Beach Personal Injury Lawyer August 14, 2011 - 9:21 am

Google has become the main actor of search engines. I can’t say anything but wow! I’ve been trying to get invitation on G+ but the invitation for the moment has been stopped, I can’t wait to use G+. Anyway, very impressive post!

Kelli October 9, 2011 - 12:55 am

Yes, the Google keyword tool is a fantastic for finding out about your competition and to help you decide on a plan going forward.

Carl Matty October 30, 2011 - 4:42 am

Heads up with number 4 and 5. that helps me in my business online . I newly subscribed and registered to G+ and currently enjoying its cool feature like the “Circle” and “Hangouts” . This cool features allows you to communicate with your team in one. Google Search about that G+ feature for more info.


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