Home Blog Marketing 3 Little-Know Blog Optimization Tips To Improve Ranking

3 Little-Know Blog Optimization Tips To Improve Ranking

by amol238


You’re a blogger. I know. And I’m sure you want more visibility for your blog. I mean, you want your blog to show up in Google’s front page for your target keywords. Right?

You’ve learned the common rules already. Write great posts. Get backlinks through guest posting and blog commenting.

Have you been doing all these and you’re getting no results? Truth is, not all bloggers get great results from these common techniques. Especially when you’re blogging in fierce competition niches like weight loss, making money online, SEO, and blogging tips.

Let me tell you something. By trying some new things, you can get great results. Yes, being innovative really rocks – even in blogging.

Now, you’re about to discover some unknown – or little known – tactics that can improve your blog’s ranking in search engines – considerably. I’m not saying they will spur you to the top spot overnight. But they can really give your rankings a big boost.

No, I’m not going to repeat the stale tips you’ve been reading about repeatedly. And I’m not going to offer tips that are as difficult as neurosurgery or that will cost you some bucks to implement.

So, here are the three insanely simple, costless, but proven effective techniques that can help you boost your blog’s ranking:

1. Write epic posts

Believe me, with these technique, you can rank for more than a thousand keywords – short tail or long tail – even without you including them consciously in your post. From my experience as an internet marketer and SEO strategist, I’ve observed one thing: most posts that rank number one in Google are long ones.

So, try to write one long post of at least 1200 words per week. Remember, however, it must not be fluffy and must contain killer content. It must offer great value to readers. Think tutorials, long list of great and valuable tips, and ultimate DIY guides. These posts rock!

Writing epic posts that offer value to readers will attract many backlinks, spontaneously. So, they have a link bait advantage. And this will boost your ranking considerably.

If you’re not a good writer, you may want to hire a seasoned ghostwriter for some bucks. The results you’ll get in the long run are sure worth the price.

2. Link to authority sites

This may sound counter intuitive, but it works. I know what you’re used to reading is that getting backlinks to your site (from authority sites) is what will boost your SEO rankings. But I’m stating it, with certitude, that linking out to authority sites boost SEO, too.

You know why? Google – and other search engines – respects the high authority sites (like Wikipedia and the .edu and .gov sites) so much that they transfer some of their link juice to any website that links to them. (It’s like being a relative to the president. People tend to respect you, too.)

But there are rules to this technique. Firstly, don’t overdo it. Not more than 3 outgoing links on a page is fine. Also, only link to pages that are relevant to your content, using relevant anchor links as well.

3. Target and optimize for long tail keywords

Though this may be a bit commonplace, most bloggers overlook or ignore this surefire tactic.

If you really want to be a winning blogger from the very start (by getting great results quickly), targeting long tail keywords is the key.

Getting long tails is simple: just do a keyword search using your main keywords, and you’ll get a handful of long tail keywords. You can optimize for these long tails simply by including them within your post headers and subtitles.

Targeting long tails is easy, and it brings great results quickly.

Have you tried all these techniques before? I’m almost absolutely sure you’ve not. Now, stop reading more posts on how to optimize your blog. 

Rise up now and take action! Implement these tactics, and you’ll get results that you’ll love.


Image Credit: Nvasion

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Rajkumar Jonnala November 14, 2012 - 1:38 pm

Wonderful post!Tips you provided would be definitely help full for the bloggers.From this post,i came to realize the importance of long tail keywords and I am going to use it.Thanks!

Eddie Gear November 14, 2012 - 8:49 pm

Hi Rajkumar,

Thanks for your comment and appreciate you sharing your views. I am glad that this post was helpful to you. if you would like to know more about long tail keywords and search traffic you should check out my free ecourse. Link is available in the author bio.

Quality Seo Services November 14, 2012 - 7:08 pm

Millions of individuals and businesses rely on search engine optimization techniques to effectively increase profits and visitors for their websites. Some of the best methods used are social bookmarking, article marketing, blogging, blog commenting, video marketing, link building and use of social media.

Eddie Gear November 14, 2012 - 8:51 pm

Hi there,

Yes, very true. There are various factors that impact search engine rankings. The points listed in the post are most often ignored or forgotten as back links often precedes all seo efforts. Thanks for sharing your tips.

ZK November 15, 2012 - 2:09 am

Longtail keywords have performed well for this blog on search engines

Eddie Gear November 15, 2012 - 4:41 am

ZK, belive me or not, the first time I got to your blog was through a long tail keword. 🙂 Appreciate you publishing my post.

ZK November 15, 2012 - 9:02 am

Awesome…longtail keywords work 🙂 thanks for the quality post

mike November 16, 2012 - 11:25 am

Long tailed keywords do work but the % is very low. Having a good social media strategy will work wonders to your SEO and Google ever changing policy will be looking out for this as we speak.

Eddie Gear November 18, 2012 - 1:55 am

Mike the traffic might not be very high, but the traffic that you get is very specific to customer requirements and the percentage of conversion is much higher. Vs. traffic that you generate from social media might be higher but the sales ratio is much lower. Thanks for your comment

Flash banners November 20, 2012 - 12:32 am

Great tips some of above there. Actually we need to keep these things in mind. As well as there is one more thing according to me that we should need to shoot quality content so it will be more helpful for us as much as the content is healthy and you should show your readers what the want to read then it will be a good bash to your traffic and you have to drive it.

Jasmine November 20, 2012 - 2:23 am

Great tips there, Eddie. I know these tips, and that’s why I have been writing long articles on my blog, averaging 1,000 words an article, and some of them are longer than 1,200 words.


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