Home Blog Marketing 3 Reasons to Create a Minimalistic Web Design

3 Reasons to Create a Minimalistic Web Design

by amol238

minimalistic web design

In a world of cluttered advertisements and over the top marketing techniques, it can feel as though your marketing must be ostentatious and extravagant in order to compete. However, the logos and slogans that stand the test of time always have something else going for them.

Although a loud design for a website may attract attention for a little while, very rarely is that site left with any customers who actually remember the company as a viable partner for long term business needs.

Minimalism, or judicious use of space, time and resources on a website, is a much preferred alternative to clutter and overstated presence. Minimalism speaks to a more professional presence and a more established business. After all, the new guy on the block is the one who has to do the yelling; the company that already has customers has no need to scream for people to come.

Even if your website is not established, this is the first impression that you must give off in order for a potential customer to take your site seriously.

Below are just a few ways in which minimalism can increase the professional look of your site and thus the positive value of your first impression on new customers.

Minimalism draws attention to the more important points of a business.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of the sales process online, a website must keep as much clutter out of the way as possible.

Online consumers have a much lower tolerance for confusion than a consumer in a physical store. The investment for a consumer is much lower online – all a customer has to do if frustration sets in is to click away from the offending page.

Online consumers need one path to follow and minimizing the clutter on your webpage will naturally draw attention to the information that you have left there. It also gives that information more natural gravitas and the consumer will take it much more seriously.

Minimalism adds to the professionalism of a business.

When there is too much information on a web page, the natural inclination of the consumer is to feel confused. Whether or not the information makes sense to the people who posted it is irrelevant – the consumer will blame whatever feeling the website gives him on you.

Take a look at the websites of the industry leaders in your sector. What you will find is a website that gently leads the consumer through the sales process all the way to the conversion action with no extra information or added baggage.

Although the customer may or may not register that he or she is being led through the process to a final action, he or she will definitely appreciate it and attribute it to the professionalism of the business.

After all, customers do not come to a business to think about different options for a problem; they come to find a solution. Minimalism gives an unapologetic solution to the problems of a customer.

Space on a website helps to solidify the image of a business in the mind of a customer.

One of the most important aspects of a website is its ability to bring return visitors back to it. In order to do this, a website must communicate a clear message that stands out singularly in the mind of a customer.

Not only is your website in competition with the images on other websites, but it is also in competition with the images and messages that it has on it. The more space on a website, the more effective and singular your message will appear.

Overall, if you are having trouble with return visitors or stickiness on a website, consider simplifying it as much as possible. Minimalism is a luxury in the world of the Internet – make sure that you use it to its best effect.

Do you have a minimalistic web design ? What are your thoughts on minimalism ?

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Kate February 16, 2013 - 6:29 am

Minimalistic wesbites are much sleeker and smaert in persuading users to convert

Jasmine February 17, 2013 - 10:51 pm

I like minimalistic web design too.

zubin kutar February 18, 2013 - 2:19 am

Simple is beautiful …I am all for simple and minimalistic website 🙂


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