Home Blog Marketing 4 Simple, Powerful Writing Tips for Newbie Bloggers

4 Simple, Powerful Writing Tips for Newbie Bloggers

by amol238

Blog Writing Tips

When you’re a blogger, the most important way to build your online reputation is to create good content. Unless you’re publishing a photography blog or similar visual project, writing is the most important piece of the blogging puzzle.

How well you write will ultimately determine how much highly valuable repeat web traffic you can attract. And it will ultimately determine whether or not people will link to your blog organically. As you probably already know, the more links your blog earns on the web, the higher your visibility will be in Google.

The higher your visibility on Google, the better your blog will do on the web in general.

As you can probably tell, good writing is key in the blogosphere. Unfortunately, many newbie bloggers don’t have much formal writing experience, aside from basic academic writing experience.

If you’re struggling to get your ideas out on WordPress in an eloquent manner, here are a few writing tips to make your foray into blogging easier and more effective:

1. Read as much high-quality online content as you possibly can

Any professional writer will tell you that reading a lot will make you become a better writer. While novelists might read novels to become better at what they do, bloggers should read online content to become better at what they do. If you want to find some good blogs to read, check out Technorati’s list of the top 100 blogs.

It’s also a good idea to regularly read news websites and other popular websites that publish online content. The point is to get a feel for what kinds of things pro bloggers and webmasters write about and what kinds of things the public likes to read.

2. Go easy on your readers

Things like bullet points, numbered lists, headings, and bolding of main points make your writing more accessible. People who regularly read blogs typically only read them for a few minutes at a time, in between everything else they have to do in their busy lives.

So, it’s your job to capture the attention of your readers and make reading your blog easy for them. You should also try to write in a concise manner and focus on eliminating wordiness and repetition in your blog posts. Keep in mind that people ultimately want to read content that is succinct, clear, easy on the eyes, and insightful.

3. Let your interests and passions be your guide

Your first inclination as a presumably left-brained blogger may be to do what many bloggers do: research keywords and write articles based on those keywords. The problem with doing this is that your content quality suffers. Sure, your content might rank higher, but that doesn’t mean people are going to read it and share it.

The best writers write about what truly interests them. So, think about what really stirs you up or inspires you, and blog about that. Readers like passion, and they like blog articles written by someone who’s truly interested in a topic.

4. Take your time

If you’re using your blog as a business tool, building your brand with the help of your content is critical. You may not be able to control what potential business associates find out about you when they search for you on the web.

They may do a background check on you and discover that your credit isn’t good or you didn’t get your degree from an Ivy League school or that you’ve only been in your field of business for a few years, for instance. Your blog is an opportunity for you to build your credibility.

You’re in control of what people know about you from your blog. So, take your time writing thoughtful content. Spend two hours on each of your blog posts instead of thirty minutes, especially if you’re trying to attract new clients.

You don’t have to be the next Shakespeare to produce a good blog. You simply have to put forth effort to become a better writer and improve your content. So, consider the suggestions above, and keep writing, reading, and sharing!

Image Credit: Nenyaki

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Sam@Goa Trip August 25, 2012 - 2:42 am

These are the nice sources to know more about how you can become best blogger in world but for that you need to give much more time for make every new article as you mentioned in your blog post.

pradip singh August 25, 2012 - 6:25 am

thanks for providing such a great article….. it will really help new blogger . thanks

firdosh joy August 25, 2012 - 10:05 am

“Content is the King” is the most common phrase that a new blogger read on many blogs but they dont understand the power of this phrase.And dnt know how to create a powerful content . So these above tips will surely help them to write a rocking article.

Becca@Catering Melbourne August 26, 2012 - 9:48 am

Good content marketing is another way of saying that you’re convincing your viewers/customers to purchase your products. Very interesting article that you’ve posted. Found the views to be quite informative and intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

Franklin August 26, 2012 - 10:42 am

Thank you for this informative article. As a new blogger, I am faced with so many challenges but I have promised my self to stay focused and get it right!

Business Training August 26, 2012 - 12:42 pm

yes you are right content is most important part for increase traffic

Jasmine August 27, 2012 - 2:20 am

I like your article. Agree with you that you should go easy with your readers, write easy to read and interesting blog posts. Put in a couple of images to spice it up and make it attractive. It’s a good idea to avoid really long sentences too.

Nanvy @ CRM Software Solutions August 27, 2012 - 4:52 am

Newbie bloggers can learn a lot from these tips and they are really worth to put in action. I always believe in reading online for getting the better ways and tips to write professionally. It gives you more ideas to keep in mind and implement them when ever it comes to powerful writing.

Jasmine August 27, 2012 - 9:41 pm

Good writing tips, Jane. Content is still the most important factor for a blog’s success, although these days, you need more than good content. You will also need good SEO and good social media presence for example. With all these in place, you will get good traffic.

Hospital Bed August 28, 2012 - 3:17 am

These are some great tips not juts for beginners but even for pro’s as well. To be a great writer, you have to learn new things and adapt to the latest trends.

Felicia August 29, 2012 - 5:47 am

Really helpful post not only for newbie bloggers, but also for those who are already blogging for a while. Going easy on your readers such as making your posts interesting and easy to read is a great way to keep them entertained and visiting back for more! Thanks for sharing!

WSI Digital Web August 30, 2012 - 9:51 am

For a successful blogging, lots of research on particular subject and creating a fresh, unique and quality content for a blog post is very important. Here, in this article, you have shared good tips for newbie bloggers.

Stanley Rao September 25, 2012 - 5:41 am

These are some great tips not juts for beginners but even for pro’s as well. To be a great writer, you have to learn new things and adapt to the latest trends.

Rudra Rawat October 13, 2012 - 7:20 am

Content is nothing .But if we optimize our content with good SEO strategies then you will gain the traffic.And also social media also give a good impact to raise your blog performance.


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