Home Blog Marketing Corporate Blogging: Top 6 Reasons Why Your Company Needs It

Corporate Blogging: Top 6 Reasons Why Your Company Needs It

by amol238

Corporate Blogging

More and more corporates aren’t just dabbling in having an online presence; they’re making it a central part of their overall marketing strategy.

Starting a blog is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do when heading into the web space, but sometimes management just doesn’t get it.

Often this is because they are still stuck on old ideas of what a blog is. After all, when they first began, blogs were primarily online journals started by teens.

Today what is defined as a “blog” is much different, and almost all major businesses have one. But at first glance, management might wonder: what’s the point? It isn’t landing any clients or pushing products.

But the truth is: it is! So how do you go about explaining why this is the case to someone who isn’t all that familiar with what a blog is? Start by explaining all it can do to help your business grow even though it isn’t directly selling your products or services.

Showcase your expertise.
– Your company is the best at what it does, right? Well, this is an opportunity to really show off that fact. When someone is deciding between you and a competitor, they can browse through your posts to get a better understanding of the skill and talent that you have to offer – and that can make the difference between getting a sale and losing it.

Showcase your products.
– You don’t want to do a hard sell of products on your blog since that will turn off readers, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t mention them at all. You can write a post about problems that your readers may encounter and use your product as an example of a possible solution.

Or you can share creative and unexpected ways that people are using your products. The idea is to make sure that the content you provide is useful or entertaining, not just a straight-up sales pitch.

Establish a brand.
– Blogs offer you the opportunity to put a face to your company and give it a personality. Much of the content on your website is likely focused on making a sale, but this is a place to humanize your business and really make a connection with potential clients. People are more likely to seek your services if they like and trust you.

Help boost your search rank.
– Search engines are the number one driver of traffic for most websites, so where you rank when someone does a search for your product or service can make a big difference for your revenue stream.

Blogs helps with search engine optimization, or SEO, since the major search engines like sites that are regularly updated with new content, and it also offers an opportunity to seamlessly include keywords relevant to your company.

Increase your web traffic.
– Blogs also help to bring more visitors to your site, and while they are there reading your content, they may take the opportunity to check out your offerings as well.

A static site offers people no reason to come check it out regularly, so it provides fewer opportunities to keep your company top of mind or to let people know about new products or services.

Better meet your customer’s needs.
– Want to know if your products and services are satisfactory? Or what new thing you can offer to get more sales? A blog is an opportunity to engage in a conversation directly with the people who can answer those questions.

It makes it easier to stay on top of changes in the marketplace as they happen. Best of all, it’s cheap to do!

Image Credit:Crossmedialog

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Alicia September 22, 2012 - 2:41 pm

It certainly is beneficial to have a blog these days, regardless for a corporate, a business or for an individual! Blogging is a simple way to bring your product or service, or idea to a lot of people, quickly and effectively.

Cool Web Developer September 23, 2012 - 3:12 pm

Blogging is very effective for small business blogs

marketing online September 23, 2012 - 9:02 pm

Starting a corporate blog is definitely a very powerful choice to grow a business. Blogs are very good tools when it comes to word-of-mouth marketing, effective communication with market, following up, branding, creating customer loyalty and others.

Jasmine September 23, 2012 - 10:32 pm

Corporate blogging is definitely a good way to reach out to the customers!

Addie from The Best Blogs October 15, 2012 - 3:21 am

I think you should seriously consider adding a blog to your company’s website.

Addie from The Best Blogs September 24, 2012 - 2:51 am

Blogging is important on online business and on SEO.Corporate blogging is the best for clients.

Nanvy @ CRM Software Solutions September 24, 2012 - 8:24 am

I would say, it’s really better to meet your customer needs by generating good traffic in corporate blogging. These are not only good but also perfect reasons for corporate blogging.

Henk Matthee September 24, 2012 - 9:59 am

Yes when I was working for a “boss” I tried to show him the importance of a Blog to get the companies presence on the web, but like you have mentioned he was still in the old frame of mind that think of bloggers as “wet behind the ears” I have since left this dinosaur and blogging is one of my streams to direct traffic after prospects found my blog fascinating enough to proceed further

Nick Stamoulis September 24, 2012 - 12:31 pm

In addition to providing a platform to showcase your expertise, a blog is a great way to convey your corporate culture as well. Your blog readers will learn your brand’s personality based on the content you post on your blog, the “voice” that you speak with, and what other readers are saying about your blog. A blog is a way to make your business more relatable to your customers and potential customers.

Sean@Business Ideas and Tools for Aussies September 24, 2012 - 10:25 pm

Thanks for sharing about the correct ways of blogging.Clients love it we should make blogs that meets our costumers needs.

Bhavesh September 25, 2012 - 9:18 am

blogging is west way to make money online,thanks for sharing such informative article….!!!

Richard from 1300 and 1800 Numbers explained October 15, 2012 - 8:45 am

This is the best practices to follow when you’re about to make your company’s blog go live.


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