Home Blog Marketing How often should you blog?

How often should you blog?

by amol238

How often shoukd you blog

This is a very common question that might be asked by a blogger sooner or later. Some people blog daily while some might choose to do so once or twice weekly depending on the schedule. In my opinion there is not a right answer to this question since there are so many different variables that are involved. Rather than providing a specific answer to this question I will introduce you the different features that are involved in order to help you take the best possible decision.

Writing Abilities

Of course the amount of posts that you could make will depend a lot on your writing capacity. Do you have the time to write multiple posts per day? Do you have the money to outsource this task?  These are all questions that you will need to ponder on before you settle on a blogging frequency. You should also be wary of the writer burn-out syndrome if you choose to post on a very frequent basis.

Type of Visitors

Your blogging frequency will also depend a lot on the type of visitors that you have. For instance some people might be looking for some in-depth content while some people might be more interested in some more shallow content, provided it is offered in a timely basis. The first example might be related to a financial blog while the second example might be the case of a sport blog.

Interactions on your site

There might definitely be a link between the interaction on your site and also the frequency at which you post. Although bloggers that tend to post frequently may experience a surge in traffic there might be a trade-off with the amount of comments and engagement on the site. Most people will not want to or simply do not have time to read all the different posts and instead may pick and choose.

On the other hand posting less frequently may cause your readers to come back to your blog and respond to comments that they have left previously. The best thing to do will be for you to make some experiments in order to find out what work for your site.

Although there are some more features that may impact your blogging frequency, these are perhaps the 3 most important ones. It might be difficult to decide on the most effective blogging frequency in the beginning but as time goes by you should be able to devise on a productive blogging schedule.

How often do you blog ?

This is a guest post by Charles Borromeo . If you want to guest post here, check out our guidelines .

Image Credit: Alamodestuff


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Peter Buzzrain April 28, 2011 - 5:01 pm

I would say 1 to 2 posts every week is good for most topics. I try to post everyday because I want to establish a good content base for my users.

Stephanie - Home with the Kids April 28, 2011 - 10:14 pm

I usually post at least 1-2 times a week, but it’s more about when I have something to say than keeping up with a particular schedule.

ZK April 29, 2011 - 1:34 am

These are good pointers for bloggers, when I started blogging I used to upload about 2 -3 posts a week. If you are a new blogger you should at least have 2-3 posts a week for your readers. Of course the goal is to post more frequently..Blogging is a learning curve the faster you start the faster you learn..

Johanna @ GIJoh.com May 1, 2011 - 4:30 am

Hi ZK,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge about how often one should post on their blog. I am still on my first year of blogging and I think I should pick up the pace when it comes to that. Right now I usually post 1-2 times a week.
Thanks for the tip and the motivation!

ZK May 1, 2011 - 8:22 am

The more you post the more your audience keeps coming back 🙂 , you should at least post 3 times a week when you start of and then try to increase it….

James@Chainsaw reviews April 29, 2011 - 1:40 am

The answer to this easy looking complicated question should be left with each individual blogger. I mean, it has got be you who is expressing thoughts and you should not refrain yourself from expressing whenever you feel like climbing a tree and shouting.

Mohammed April 29, 2011 - 8:23 am

You know, i was just asking myself this same question the other day. If you write daily, how do you avoid burning out?
Best thing is to write several times a week (to keep the reader flow) but also to tackle a diverse enough number of subjects so that you don’t run out of things to say.

ZK April 29, 2011 - 12:40 pm

You can open up your blog to guest posters to avoid the daily blog burn out. I thank all the guest posters who have posted on this blog, I would have probably burned out by now blogging everyday 🙂

ery@improve website traffic April 29, 2011 - 10:05 am

I usually update for blogging about 1 -2 times a week. It’s because I’m so busy of my job. I think it’s enough and I think my readers wont get bore because of my post. ;D

Techabouts April 29, 2011 - 11:39 pm

2 posts a day on an average

Harsh Agrawal May 1, 2011 - 1:49 pm

No matter what but one should work on post frequency. If you can’t write much, create a schedule on which your post will go live.. Never over do post publishing on a certain day coz you are free..instead prepare article for next day.

Tarrum@Creating a Website May 4, 2011 - 4:20 am

I can’t understand how some people are able to write like 10 posts per day..Not only is it hard for your readers to read them all, but it’s also time consuming..I stick to 1-3 a week and a day later/sooner if I just think of something.

Jessica May 13, 2011 - 4:01 am

I try to post more regularly, but sometimes I run out of ideas and sometimes I am just plain lazy! Haha, so I guess I post once or twice per week. Do you think this is good enough for my blog?


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