One of the easiest ways to make money with your blog is writing paid reviews. Whether you are a blogger looking to make some additional income from your blog or an advertiser looking to create a buzz for your blog or website, a pay per post model is a great way to build your credibility as a blogger and advertiser.
Pay Per Post services act as a market place bringing great value for a blogger and an advertiser. As a blogger you write an honest review and get paid for your review, as an advertiser you choose the blog to promote and create buzz for your blog or website.
Apart from creating buzz, an advertiser also has the advantage of gaining valuable backlinks from the review this helps in increasing Page Rank for your blog or website and ranks your site high on Google and other search engines. It’s the fastest and easiest way to gain higher Page Rank and high ranking on Google.
Below are some of the top Pay Per Post services where you can join to start making money for your blogs.
1 ) Sponsored Reviews:
– All bids are sent to the advertise who selects the blogs to purchase the review for his website or blog reviewed. Once the bid is accepted you get one week to write the review. The best part about Sponsored Review is that there is no minimum payout. All payments are via paypal.
2 ) Review Me:
– Once your blog is accepted, the advertiser will select you to write a review which pays between $ 20 and $ 200 each. You earn 50 % of the review price. You can accept or reject the offer. All payments are via paypal.
3 ) Pay Per Post:
– You can join Pay Per Post if your blog has been in existence for more than 90 day and you have more than 20 blog posts. You can get paid from $ 5 to $ 100 for each review, Pay Per Post takes only 10 % of the amount and payments are via paypal every 30 days.
4 ) Smorty
– If you blog is selected by the advertiser you can accept or reject the proposal. You can select any topic that interests you or publish in multiple blogs to earn more.
Join to get paid
5 ) Blogvertise:
– The current payout rate is $ 4 – $ 15 per review, all payments are via paypal 30 days once the review is approved.
If you have a blog with a PR 2 or PR 3, writing reviews could easily make you more than $ 300 a month without much effort. Ensure you have an active paypal account to receive the funds.
Please ensure that you choose blog reviews that relate to your blog niche and readers’ interest. Don’t attempt to make money by reviewing posts at the expense of your blogs and readers’ interest.
You can also check out a few more Pay Per Post review services :
– Money4Blogs
I have used Pay Per Post and Smorty for my blogs, they give importance to US and and Canada sites. Thanks for the other pay per post services, I ll check them out.
Mannys last blog post..Right Flyout for Nice menus (Drupal) not showing for IE6
Its not just US and Canada, Indian bloggers have also made money with Pay Per Post and Smorty.
Never used any of these but I ve read on Forums that you can make decent money off these services in your part time
Going by Manny’s statement, I now understand why I didn’t make much out of PPP. Though I have several people (more than 50 I guess) signed up under me, none of them, like me has got any opportunities to post.
SponsoredReviews worked very well for me.
Ajith Edassery | Blog Moneys last blog post..SEO – Link Building Series: Internal Link Building and Optimization
Signing up 50 users is awesome….
ZKs last blog post..Tips to create a Squidoo lens and rank high on Google
But not a single penny received man because PPP affiliate program works well for you only if the signed up people create at least one post. In that case you receive $15 per referral… So I have more than $700 pending that I will never ever receive
Ajith Edassery | Blog Moneys last blog post..SEO – Link Building Series: Internal Link Building and Optimization
Thats strange I wonder why not a single blogger from the 50 sign ups would not post a review. Sponsored Review is good and very effective.
ZKs last blog post..Tips to create a Squidoo lens and rank high on Google
Same here buddy, I used to earn more in SponsoredReview (before). But I have just grabbing opportunities in payperpost programs. I used to get opp in my oiopublisher plugin. It’s kinda safer in the God G.
Splendid Kids last blog post..5 Decision Making Tips
I think Pay Per Post service may be interesting for students and teenagers and other people who need part-time work.Not so difficult and not dull.
game-girls last blog post..Фильм Разбитое зеркало скачать кино отзывы онлайн
I do agree considering you can makea couple of bucks here and there since its really pocket money that your making.
social bookmarking demons last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0
You’ve given me some useful insights on pay per post services – thanks!
Your post worked for me. I read it the whole through! thanks.!!
Great blog, I especially like the info on pay per click, but it’s a bit over my head. I do have a website for my home business and would also like to put up a blog. Can you refer me to earlier posts by you or an educational site for beginners ?
All I can say is you are an angel. People nowadays, rarely find advices that are direct to the point. Jobs online can be a challenge and for someone who writes personal blog, it gets hard to have it noticed with the wrong strategy. I do hope beginner bloggers like me will get an opportunity to drive traffic to my side and get paid for my time contributing valuable knowledge. This will be a good opportunity to me.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Francesca,
Thank you for the wonderful words, I am glad you liked the post.
ZKs last blog post..Tips to create a Squidoo lens and rank high on Google
It is an interesting way to earn money at home. Is there any terms and conditions to join the service. What are the ways to get the money? By check or demand draft?
I have to warn you! Google punishes sites that sell links. Their algorithms are better and they employ people to check search engine results. If they find that you have sponsored articles without nofollow tags in links you will see how fast your pagerank meter drops to 0.
wow, that is monster list indeed.
thanks for sharing, it actually brought me few new ideas
Tanks for sharing. it will indeed help all of us.And it will also help for creation of new ideas.
you can check this website, over 20 PPC program info if these source is not enough for u..
10 Best Advertising Program
Incredible content post, All the services are best way to earn money online. I need blogger that generate the post like your post so i can earn money as soon as possible. Thanks for sharing
First of all creating a blog that is PR 2 or 3 is also not that easy.Anyway thanks for the list! I will be checking all of them and hopefully find the site that will give me some rewards.
I have heard people talking about this but never given it much thought before now. It seems like an interesting idea. Might starting looking into paid reviews. Thanks for the heads up. I am new to your blog but enjoying it so far. : )
owains last blog post..10 Sports Nutrition Tips
That is definitely something I’ll have to check out. I haven’t tried any pay per post before. I’ve heard of some of those, but many are new to me.
Derek Clarks last blog post..Can You Name the Presidents … and Vice Presidents?
Thank you very much for such a wonderful article. Hope to read more from you about this topic. Keep it up.
This is the easiest way to make money online. I made my first money online by doing PPP.
I haven’t heard about Review Me, sounds like a good one, so many of those pay so little that it’s nice to find one that pays well.
I have heard people talking about this but never given it much thought before now. It seems like an interesting idea. Might starting looking into paid reviews. Thanks for the heads up. But i always wonder is pay pal really safe?????????????
You can also sell sponsor reviews directly from your website. You can advertise them on forums where they let you. You can sell them 50% cheaper because now you make all of the profit.
I am running a very small but interesting Internet marketing business. I used your post as a helping hand for my written assignment on Internet marketing.
Hi Jeff,
I am glad the post was helpful for your assignment.
ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
but did you use the blog owners permission you can’t steal someone else’s idea or post and use it to benefit you and only you because your cheating your people
almirs last blog post..Vital Tips That Can Aid Any Blogger
great lists of pay per post sites i will certainly sign up for these and its definitely worth getting paid for writing a decent post its great you provided such information.
almirs last blog post..Vital Tips That Can Aid Any Blogger
i really like the pay per post idea!! sounds gr8!!
Pay Per Post earning form part of my monthly pocket money. They are good really. The bottom line is we cannot put PayPerPost ads with Google Ads.
JohnKhoos last blog post..Term Life Insurance Quotes From Term Finder
This sounds like a really good way to make money – every little bit helps each month!! I really need to do a lot of blogging work – I’ll get right on it
all sounds good do you think it will real work.
I am 14 years old, & I want to know how to make money online, besides completing surveys online. & if you do answer my question, with a link to a specific site, can you please explain to me how everything works, because I am new to all of this.
.-= Rapid Application Development´s last blog ..Hello world! =-.
As a Blogger PPS will be a residual income as the blog goes more popular with traffic the income also goes up!!
These are good services, glad to come across this piece of posting. Thanks.
The nearer to the number one position your business gets, the greater the chances that you will actually convert your visitors to sales.
I agree with yoy website hosting. Those who are very closer to the top position can get real benefit from the visitors.
Payperpost is awesome! I like to do the opposite and buy the blog post for traffic and backlinks. It does wonders for a website.
Keep up the good work! Look forward to reading more from you in the future. I think it will be also nice if you add “send to email” tool so people can forward the articles to their friends easily.
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