Home Blog Marketing Get 50% Discount on the Income Blogging Guide – Only for the next 18 hours

Get 50% Discount on the Income Blogging Guide – Only for the next 18 hours

by amol238

Get 50 % Discount on Income Blogging Guide Membership Course only for the next 24 hours  18 hours

The Income Blogging Guide Course is very successful online blogging course run by my buddy Andrew Rondeau, Andrew is a well know authority on blogging and runs a successful make money online blog. Andrew is also a regular guest contributor on this blog.

What is the Income Blogging Guide Course all about

Income Blogging Guide is an exhaustive online course that will be delivered in weekly lessons over the course of 6 months. In all you’ll have 26 lessons right from choosing your niche to building it into a profitable blog. The lessons are a combination of text, screen shots and videos. This makes the course easy to read and understand.

The Income Blogging Guide covers SIX MODULES:

Module 1: Blogging Essentials
– In this module you’ll learn how to choosing a profitable niche, how to do keyword analysis, how to select the best domain name for your business, how to setting up WordPress, and creating great posts to bring in traffic.

Module 2: Turbo List Building
– In this module you’ll learn how to creating a free product that will help you build your list and setting up Aweber, autoresponders, and building a relationship with your subscribers.

This is one of my favorite modules that will teach you how to build one on one relationships with your audience.

Module 3: Easy Traffic Generation

– This module teaches you how flood your blog with tons of traffic via social media, bookmarking, commenting, guest posting, search optimization, and collaboration with other blog owners.

Module 4: Simple Product Creation

– This module teaches you how to create your own products and /or membership site plus teaming up with others to help with sales.

Module 5: Copywriting Secrets
– How to creating strong and appealing headlines, hooks, story, benefits, guarantees, and pricing for products.

Module 6: Outsource Your Internet Business

– This module will teach you How to Outsourcing Your Internet Business (ie. how to find a reliable outsource, how to monitor / manage contractors and maintain and online business)

Income Blogging Guide Membership Course

Income Blogging Guide - Click Here

Get 50 % Discount on Income Blogging Guide Membership Course only for the next 24 hours 18 hours

Andrew has sweetened the deal by throwing in tons of bonus programs.

1) FREE Wordpress Premium Theme:
– When you sign up, you get a FREE Wordpress Premium Theme and a blog set up for you. So that you don’t waste anytime in struggle with the same. You can choose between the Headway Theme or Flex Theme. For the Thesis Theme there is an additional installation charge of $40.

2) Income Blogging Guide Private Members Support Forum:
– Access to a “Private Members Only” forum, where you can ask any questions you wish about the course or blogging or building the business online.

3) Live fortnightly tele conferences:
– Every fortnight you are invited to join us on a live conference where you can ask any questions and interact with Andrew on any topic relating to blogging, web marketing or making money online.

4) Other bonus includes: access to Andrew’s private mail id, access to a huge database of “Q&A” database, these are questions that people have asked about blogging, blogging tips and building a profitable income online.

Who should join the Income Blogging Guide Course:

– If you are already blogging but not yet there in terms of making money online
– If you want to start blogging to have a regular source of passive income
– You already make money blogging but not enough to pay your rent bills or the car insurance bills
– You already have a company or personal website but want to start a blog
– If you want to just blog as a hobby or passion.

How much is it going to cost to join ?
Income Blogging Guide is available for a 50% discount for the next THREE Days.

Option 1: Normally this sells for $97 a month but for the next THREE Days ( until Monday 11 th April 2011, 11.59 pm Eastern Time, your initial charge will be $47.
– You will then be charged $47 a month for the next 5 months, you ‘ll have immediate access to member resources and bonuses. You’ll get one lesson per week for the next 25 weeks. After 6 payments you have unlimited LIFETIME ACCESS to all resources, lessons, private forums etc. For ( $ 47 x 6 = $282 ) less than $300 you can learn how to start blogging and make a lifetime income from it.

Option 2: Normally this $425 but until Monday 11th April 11.59pm Eastern Time, you pay $225 (a discount of over 20%) up front and get access to ALL the course materials right away. You get instant downloads for all the lessons, the member resources and access to the online community.

Option 2 will save you $57 instantly, but only for the next 3 days ( until Monday 11th April 11.59pm Eastern Time ) 12 th April 2011 the prices go back to $97 a month.

More Bonus : My Mega $477 Bonus pack with Income Blogging Guide Membership program:

The “Income Blogging Guide Membership Course” costs $47 a month for six months, ($47 x 6 = $282) for less than $300 you can start your own income generating web business. When you join the “Income Blogging Guide Membership Course” I’ll also give you a $477 bonus mentioned here. All you need to do is contact me I’ll email you the $ 477 bonus pack in the next 24 hours.

You can keep the bonus even if you ask for a full refund or decide to quit anytime.

Get 50 % Discount on Income Blogging Guide Membership Course only for the next 24 hours 18 hours

100 % Money Back Guarantee:
The “Income Blogging Guide Membership Course” covers a 100 % Money Back Guarantee, you can join the course and try it FREE for 60 days, if you think its not for you, email Andrew and you’ll receive a complete refund. All it takes is one short email to get a complete refund. You also have the option to discontinue anytime.

Check out Income Blogging Guide – 50 % Discount

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jilianne @ website marketing tips April 9, 2011 - 10:26 pm

I know a few people who will be very much interested to this exciting offer. Sharing this post to them now 🙂 This is great news, thanks!

Wordpress Themes April 11, 2011 - 1:21 am

That is a huge discount I must say. And a sixty day trial is a cherry on top.. But we will have to pay only after the sixty days end isn’t it? Or will I not get the discount then?

Felicia @ No Deposit Poker April 16, 2011 - 4:56 am

I always visit Andrew’s blog and have learned so many valuable things from him. This sure is a great deal he has ever offered yet. Thanks for sharing!

Kavya Hari April 23, 2011 - 3:42 am

Yeah, it has an superior rate deduction 🙂


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