Home Blog Marketing Three Ways to Attract People to Your Blog

Three Ways to Attract People to Your Blog

by amol238

Attract Traffic

Attracting people to your blog really is important for your corporate websites’ overall SEO value. The more useful information that people find from your blog about your company, the more they will trust it. Those who have a blog that is filled with useful and unique content are those who will rank higher, get more people to hear about their products, and ultimately boost traffic to their main sales page. So how should you attract people to your blog? There are several ways to do it.

1 ) Networking:
– One great way to do it involves a little networking. Having a presence in the online community will take your blog places it wouldn’t have gone otherwise. Leaving comments on similar blogs that link back to your own will provide exposure for who you are and what you’re selling. For instance, if your blog is about Oklahoma real estate you should search out other blogs that have to do with the real estate in Oklahoma and comment on them.

When you leave a comment on another blog, be sure to embed your blogs’ link in the signature and you will be amazed at the results this simple task can produce. Not only will people see your comment and click on your link, but the search engines will also notice that a well-known website has linked to your blog which must mean your blog is a good one. This will help to increase your SEO rankings and in turn, attract more people to your blog. ,

2 ) Alt Text
– Another great way to get people to your blog is to label the alt text on the pictures on your blog. By having labels on alt text for pictures, your images will get pulled on image searches from the major search engines. That way, when people search images, they’ll click on yours which will bring them to your blog. It’s a handy trick that has proved very useful for many in the past. Keep in mind also that posting pictures to your blog will definitely increase the overall value of the content you are producing as well.

3 ) Create a YouTube Channel:

– Lastly, try out a YouTube channel. YouTube gets a huge percentage of the search results on the web today. By making a few videos for your own company and posting them on your own blog through YouTube, it will increase your traffic greatly. People will find your videos on YouTube which will lead them to your website as well. Also, another way to help increase the value of your blog in the eyes of search engines is by having a different type of content on your blog besides text and pictures. This is why YouTube videos will help your blogs’ SEO rankings and your overall traffic to improve.

Indeed, it is agreed upon by nearly all SEO experts that having relevant links pointing to your blog from well-known, high-traffic websites will help your SEO rankings to improve. It is also true that the more ways to bring people to your blog, the better.

That is why tagging your pictures is another great way to get people to your site through the image search on larger search engines. Of course, having a variety of useful and interesting forms of information on your blog such as images, videos and lots of unique content will undoubtedly increase your blog value and attract people to your blog.

This is a guest post by Ryan Chaffin, who is currently a college student majoring in Business Marketing. He loves anything technology, internet, and social media related along with sports and health & wellness. Ryan believes in achieving your fullest potential on and off the web. Contact us if you want to guest post on this blog.

Image Credit : Lilley

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Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online June 3, 2010 - 9:11 am

No doubt, blog commenting is the best way to attract people or drive more traffic to your blog if you leave genuine and constructive comment on similar blog. Other than these, I find guest posting is the best and effective way in driving traffic and branding.

Good tips Ryan!

.-= Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online´s last blog ..MyBlog2Day Contest Updated – Contestant Must Read! =-.

Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate June 3, 2010 - 11:00 am

A YouTube channel is big. We have a few channels with several hundred friends/subscribers and are enjoying great keyphrase specific traffic from our optimized YouTube channel.
.-= Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate´s last blog ..Utter Disappointment And The Classiest Acts That Followed, Armando Galarraga, Detroit Tigers, Jim Joyce =-.

Colleen June 3, 2010 - 11:01 am

A YouTube channel is big. We have a few channels with several hundred friends/subscribers and are enjoying great keyphrase specific traffic from our optimized YouTube channel.
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Utter Disappointment And The Classiest Acts That Followed, Armando Galarraga, Detroit Tigers, Jim Joyce =-.

discount gun safes June 3, 2010 - 11:11 am

I only found out about the power of YouTube recently. I posted an old video of mine and added my website’s URL in the description and was astounded by how much traffic that little trick drew in!

Laptop Cases June 4, 2010 - 2:31 pm

I have always heard how much traffic you can get through youtube, but it is tough for someone who is not comfortable on camera. I will have to look into at least trying that strategy though. If it is effective enough, it may be worth hiring someone to help with the videos.

Episode June 3, 2010 - 2:18 pm

When people say content is king most of them talk about SEo but they underestimate how much good content is worth in terms of providing for your visitor and encouraging them to spread the word.
.-= Episode´s last blog ..American Dad Season4 Episode 3: One Little Word =-.

Julius June 3, 2010 - 10:07 pm

I’d like to add that alt text not only attracts people to your site, but it also enables people who can’t see the images to still understand their content and purpose.
.-= Julius´s last blog ..The Challenges of Deaf Blind Internet Users =-.

pituin3rut June 4, 2010 - 6:55 am

surely, building a good community will help increase huge traffic. thats way social network work to generate traffic.

posting comments to blog with huge traffic and put a back links will increase traffic too
.-= pituin3rut´s last blog ..How To Make Money From Home | Combine Offline and online promotion =-.

Web Yazılım Tasarım June 4, 2010 - 12:14 pm

Really nice tips ZK. I’m seriously considering #3. I hear having a youtube channel with lots of interesting videos can gain quite some traffic to your site 🙂

david June 5, 2010 - 9:10 pm

Youtube is a great tip, it can work for just about any business and it helps get information across that might not be suitable for text.

Ajith Edassery June 6, 2010 - 8:14 am

These are definitely three of those magic tips that work though the second one is more of SEO stuff. Youtube works like magic, so is any social media.

anas June 6, 2010 - 8:02 pm

very nice tips,thanks for the information i’ll try it with my site…..

Amelia June 7, 2010 - 3:52 am

Good tips, another one that I like is to do a guest post on somebody else’s blog and then you gain from that bloggers readership too. Then that blogger can come back to you and post on your site too.. everybody wins 😉

EstateYard.com June 7, 2010 - 8:10 pm

I never thought about creating a youtube channel. Solid advice! Now I just gotta find a cartoonist/animator to help me make some basic how-to videos to post on youtube =)

Komodo Dragon June 8, 2010 - 8:42 pm

Networking is one of the most important things you can do to elevate yourself in what it is you do. If you think about it, no matter what it is in life, you really do need to network yourself, and it applies online completely as well!

Web Design LA June 10, 2010 - 6:35 am

Social networking like Facebook always best way, but video creation and video promotion best way to promote our blog on larger platform.

Sham M June 27, 2010 - 6:04 pm

Thanks a lot for the informative article. As i just recently started out in blogging myself, attracting more and more traffic to my blog is my #1 priority right now and will sure try those tips out.

Joel Gray@TrafficTips101 September 7, 2010 - 3:27 am

As an online marketer myself, I know the importance of these tips to create a good web traffic. All of these are really valuable, thanks a lot. 🙂

car transportation October 29, 2010 - 1:25 am

When you leave a comment on another blog, be sure to embed your blogs’ link in the signature and you will be amazed at the results this simple task can produce.

shipping car January 19, 2011 - 7:00 pm

Social networking like Facebook always best way, but video creation and video promotion best way to promote our blog on larger platform.

Fazal Mayar @ Make Money Online February 15, 2011 - 8:21 pm

Networking is definitely important. I recently created a youtube channel since I think it helps to drive a big chunk of traffic to your site.

Hyper FB Traffic April 11, 2011 - 6:50 pm

Ever think about offline promotion like traditional ads? One of the weirdest is Hostgators tattoo ad, the guy is a walking billboard.

trojan spyware removal June 23, 2011 - 1:05 am

Increasing seo ranking is the best way to attract people to your blog. So commenting on a relevant blog, writing a great comment is a must when you are starting to promote your blog. By the way for me Creating a YouTube Channel is better than the alt text. Every blog should have it and leave it to some great websites if it can be. Great job, you’ve done an amazing blog;)

best drops September 6, 2011 - 9:42 am

I think the use of alt text in images is underrated for getting traffic to blogs. I know from experience I’ve found a few sites I’d visit otherwise had I not done an image search. Good point.

Stacie Walker September 28, 2011 - 2:30 pm


I appreciate your post this subject. The information you shared will definitely assist individuals new to blogging. Keep up the good work.

To Your Success,

Stacie Walker

Melbourne real estate November 4, 2011 - 5:32 am

Guest posting and youtube videos has been the best sources through which I discovered a number of reputed blogs. Since I came to know about video marketing I also posted some videos on youtube and since then the response has been tremendous.

Andrew Burges November 30, 2011 - 7:29 pm

Most of the blogs now a days are usually add Youtube channel, it do great actually, Networking is great as well. I learn a lot of things here and this would be help me.


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