Home Blog Marketing 6 Effective Time Management Tips For Blogger

6 Effective Time Management Tips For Blogger

by amol238

To Do List

As a blogger you understand the value of time in your blogging activity. Blogging involves writing posts on regular intervals for your blog along with promoting it. If you manage multiple blogs, the task of managing them together becomes a complex thing.

However, if you want to accomplish this job with success then you need effective time management in your blogging activity. Your success or failure in blogging would depend upon your time management.

The below are some of the best time management tips for bloggers.

1) Make a proper schedule and stick to it:
– The basic thing you need in blogging is to make a proper schedule as per your convenience. Once you decide which slot suits you the best, it’s time to stick to it in your blogging activity including writing and posting different articles.

If possible set an alarm in your mobile phone that can remind your schedule which you have chalked for your blogging activity. The things like laziness or being late in your set schedule has no room in your blogging task, so better avoid these things.

2) Work in a high energy time slot:
– Being a human you cannot remain active in your entire day. There are small slots of time period where you feel energetic. However, these energy time slots would vary from one person to other.

You are supposed to know your energy time wherein you can accomplish tough jobs without much hassle. This is the time where you need to write content especially where you need lots of hard work and research. The promotion part of your blog which is considered to be an easier job could be carried out in the later stage.

3) Work on your typing speed:

– Blogging is not about copy and paste; it’s about writing unique and interesting content on a daily basis. If you have the skill of fast typing, it can help yourself in making quick posts.

In this way, you end up writing loads of content with less efforts and time. Learning proper way of typing along with increasing its speed is highly recommended in blogging.

5) Select the best place to blog:
– Selecting a best place for your blogging activity will help you in managing your time and adding more amount of quality in your blog contents. As writing is a lonely activity, hence always select a place where there is no one to disturb you.

In this way, you would be able to focus on the quality of your content. A good place is an important tip in managing your blog effectively.

6) Give yourself a reward:
– The best thing about blogging is that you are your own boss. There is no one to enforce anything on you. Hence you must organize a couple of special rewards and perks for yourself.

For instance, you can think of having a relishing food at any restaurant after writing five different posts. This will certainly help you in accomplishing your task without much hassle as you have your reward as motivation.

Final word

Blogging is a time consuming activity. By following the aforementioned tips, you can easily help yourself to manage blogging with perfection, thus making your blog a successful venture.

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Josh July 26, 2012 - 11:57 am

time management is the biggest thing I’m currently struggling with as a blogger and online business owner. Sometimes we just get so many different projects going that the basic daily stuff gets neglected. Every day I keep trying to find and improve ways to get better use from my time.
Thanks for the post!

Alicia July 26, 2012 - 12:15 pm

Good time management tips for bloggers like us! Especially useful if you are a part time blogger who have a full time job, and have more than 1 blog to maintain.

Reese July 26, 2012 - 10:57 pm

You are definitely right especially about writing in our peak hours. Personally, I like writing at night because that’s when I am most active. Also, it’s one of the most peaceful time of day where I am most free from distraction. If I write in the afternoons, I won’t be as productive because afternoons are what I associate with nap times and generally being lazy.

Marnie Byod July 27, 2012 - 12:49 am

Wow, nice tips for blogging. My favorite is the last one.
Rewarding yourself is a great way of making yourself more progressive in your future posts.

Aditya July 27, 2012 - 3:18 am

Hi Margaret,

A good blogger is the one who manages time well and get new ideas that are in front of him and also the things that are not.

Selecting the best place/niche to place your blog should be the key to make your blog available to the readers.If you have written a technology based blog then placing it in some other niche will not make any impact.

I would like to tell you that you missed the 4th point.its missing here in your blog.Hope you will provide that point too.apart from that point your post is amazing. “)

Ajith July 27, 2012 - 3:30 am

Time management is a huge issue for me – especially since blogging is only a secondary (but important) activity for me. However, I definitely maintain a TODO list for all blogs and websites that I own. Sticking to a schedule is an issue though rest of the things like fast typing is fine with me 🙂

Caleb July 27, 2012 - 9:37 am

That second one is key and something I haven’t heard many talk about. Energy is constantly waxing and waning so discovering your particular optimum time for the most output is vital. This is one of the secrets to how super successful ppl seem to get so much done in such a short time because they know at what times their energy is best.

ZK July 29, 2012 - 11:25 am

Finding different places to blog can be rewarding…coffee shop or mountain top ?

Nick Stamoulis July 30, 2012 - 10:40 am

A blogging schedule is a must. When things get busy, writing can often get pushed to the side. If you have a schedule laid out and your blogging tasks are organized, it’s easier to stick with it.

Bhavesh August 5, 2012 - 12:01 pm

1 & 3 point is really important if you want to success in your blogging career. thanxxx for sharing such a nice article ….


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