Home Blog Marketing Video Conversion Formula is closing in the next 48 Hours

Video Conversion Formula is closing in the next 48 Hours

by amol238

Limited Time Offer: Video Conversion Formula closes in the next 48 40 hours

Maria Andros’ Video Conversion Formula is closing doors, this was a limited seating video marketing training & coaching program that is now open only for the next 40 hours. I suggest you take a serious look at all the FREE videos that she released early this month. The video are real gems, they focus on the importance and use of video marketing to sell you products and services. You can check the FREE Videos here ( they are on top )

How will I profit from Video Conversion Formula ?
Video Conversion Formula: an in-depth and solid video training and mentoring program conducted by Maria Andros also known as the “Video Marketing Queen”, Maria is an influence when it comes to video blogging she has over 55,000 + followers on Twitter. Within her first two months online exclusively she generated $500,000 in sales online with a simple video, he is the perfect coach to teach you how to profit from videos.

YOU can jumpstart your business with video especially for 2011, that’s just around the corner. Of course you know that Video is ESSENTIAL to success online, don’t get left behind.

Video Conversion Formula

Click here if the above video does not open

Limited Time Offer: Video Conversion Formula closes in the next 48 40 hours

Video Conversion Formula consists of FIVE main modules or as Maria Calls it FIVE Channels. That’s because just like a channel on TV, everything in that certain channel revolves around a central topic but digs deep into all the different aspects of it.

Module 1 : Customer Channel
– Evaluating your niche
– Video Marketing Psychology 101
– Creating your customer Archetype
– Video Squeeze page scripts
– Uncovering your Customer’s Trigger Points
– Attracting your video tribe

Module 2 : Video Production Channel
– Video Cameras & Equipment 101
– Setting up your video studio
– Video indoor lighting solutions
– Simple script writing system
– Easy video editing & Effects

Module 3 : Content Channel
– MindMapping your video
– Creating your freeline content
– Powerpoint video magic
– Video copywriting 101

Module 4 : Character Channel
– Create your video brand
– Launch your “Intro Video”
– Creating your super hero story
– Building rapid rapport & Trust

Module 5 : Traffic & List Building Channel
– Video keyword research
– Video SEO Formula
– Optimize your You Tube videos
and much more

Each of the above FIVE Modules will be scheduled to be released one week at a time and is broken down into individual videos for your convenience, these are like chapters so that you can go back at anytime for quick reference.

Limited Time Offer: Video Conversion Formula closes in the next 48 40 hours

Exclusive BONUS :
Alongwith the above FIVE videos Maria is giving away THREE BONUS VIDEOS

Bonus Module 6: Product Creation Channel
– Design your video course
– Film your content formula
– Create your video sales page
– Create your membership site

Bonus Module 7 : Behind the launch
– Choose the VCF launch concept – Look & Feel
– Behind the scenes of the VCF shoots
– Recruiting affiliate and JV partners

Bonus Module 8 : Video Marketing Mindset

Mindset is creating an ideal vision not only for your business but also for your life, this module will teach you how to eliminate negatives and limiting beliefs. And look at how to develop an entrepreneur mindset.

Video Conversion Formula Experts

Vault of Experts Bonus Module:
Maria has managed to convince THE TOP A LIST of internet Marketers for some very exclusive interviews, she shares this interview as a bonus module. The top names include: Mike Filsaime, Rich Schefren, Andy Jenkins, Brian Johnson, Christel Hughes, Jeremy Schoemaker, Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak.

Limited Time Offer: Video Conversion Formula closes in the next 48 40 hours

Plus you have exclusive and lifetime access to here Dojo Community, this is a community of Maria’s past and successful students who have now launched their own membership sites. I suggest you make the best use of this community to create and market your site.

Bonus Value $ 1000 : Personal Video Review from Maria

– Maria has included this bonus for all students , she will personal do a video review of your site, this will transform the way you run and market your online business once you discover and learn the formula and put it to work.

Bonus Value $2500 : FREE access to Social Media Traffic Blueprint

When you choose the single pay option, you will get access to her previous course – Social Media Blueprint, this course fits well with the video course and gives you a upper hand to create video content and market it on social networks.

Limited Time Offer: Video Conversion Formula closes in the next 48 40 hours

30 Day – 100 % Money Back Guarantee :
Video Conversion Formula has a full 30 day refund, you can try it now for a full 30 days and opt out if you think its not for you. Maria will refund 100 % of your money. You can test drive it to the fullest, without worrying about your money. It’s a no brainer.

Maria’s courses have a history of selling out fast so act now.

Jumpstart your business with video especially for 2011, that’s just around the corner. Check out Video Conversion Formula

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Tej Kohli December 5, 2010 - 10:38 pm

I am going to check it out Soon , Hope its help me a lot

eCommerce Development December 5, 2010 - 11:00 pm

Creating and optimizing a video can convert huge traffic but the video should be most attractive as it can able to carry the audience from the web.

Printable Coupons December 6, 2010 - 4:11 am

It doesn’t take rocket science to be able to produce a well made professional video that will allow consumers to understand what you are selling and put them in the right mood to buy your product. Using the video conversion formula will allow you to do this and produce more videos in the future based on the success of your first video.

Web Developer December 6, 2010 - 4:58 am

Maria is the “Video Marketing Queen”…lots to learn from her..this course is highly recommened for all

Property Marbella December 6, 2010 - 5:29 am

Hi ZK,
Fantastic and interesting videos, and I have learn many new thing just by looking on them and also from her on webpage; But I thing the price is little to high and I think she have already on the clips giveaway the most to learn.

Darren @ Lighting Hire Birmingham December 6, 2010 - 9:57 am

Wow brilliant idea’s ZK!

I would love to check this out. Optimisation used on video’s must be a huge benefit to gain traffic. Does this work same as SEO?

sell used textbooks December 6, 2010 - 1:48 pm

Great video, I am glad I checked it out before the time ran out. Maria is great.

Aluminum Cases December 6, 2010 - 4:24 pm

Well this sure beats looking at shoemoney’s shiny head during training videos. I can see why Maria does so well with video marketing. I think it helps that she brings both beauty and intelligence. Video marketing isn’t something that I’m looking to get into though.

SEO Miami December 7, 2010 - 12:11 pm

These are some great videos!

SEO Miami December 16, 2010 - 3:17 am

Hello, creating and optimizing a video can convert huge traffic but the video should be most attractive as it can able to carry the audience from the web.

Evan Schulte December 23, 2010 - 7:46 am

video marketing can be an awesome way to get noticed. A friend of mine really figured out how to maximize this and has done well.


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