Home Blog Marketing What Makes a Blog Successful?

What Makes a Blog Successful?

by amol238

What makes a Blog Successful

It’s a question that many people would like to have the answer(s) to.  After all, the proliferation of blogs—giving way for an entire new cyber-term, the ‘blogosphere’—is one of the main engines for the expansion of the internet itself.  In this context, there are obviously going to be more and more people searching for the ways and the means to turn their ordinary blog into a successful blog. 

At the most basic level, creating a successful blog is much the same as creating any kind of successful website, though there are certain special considerations due to the niche that blogs occupy and the purpose which they have. 

Let’s delve into some of the finer details, then, that can help you achieve your blogging goals:

For starters, don’t try to create a mega-blog that covers any and all topics, but rather curtail the focus of a given blog (and, if you really want to blog about other topics, create separate blogs for each).  This is basically an issue of avoiding biting off more than you can chew—a move that will most surely prevent you from achieving a successful blog. 

Highly-ranked blogs are inevitably those that focus in on something quite specific and offer highly relevant information on that topic and only that topic; follow this model and you will be setting up the right kind of framework for your blog.

Secondly, make sure that you’re aware of the general buzz in your particular area/topic when you start writing your blog entries.  A blogger that knows a lot about their particular topic is going to be the blogger that can actually pump out the kind of highly relevant information we mentioned above, so don’t just start rambling before you’ve done a little reading and researching. 

As a part of this process, it is a good idea to go ahead and subscribe (RSS feeds, etc.) to a few different blogs, something that will help you stay updated.  At the same time, as you go about discovering all the different voices of the blogosphere that pertain to your niche, you’ll want to try to get the word out about your blog in particular, and whenever/wherever you can drop a link back to your page (and have the owner of that other blog approve it and post it to their blog) you’ll be doing yourself a solid.

Then, there is the simple issue of the actual written content you post in your entries: perhaps nothing will be quite as important for achieving success as this.  Not only are you going to want to post new content to your blog on a regular, vigorous basis, but you’re going to want to make sure that the content is quality: well-written, truthful, and relevant to your blog’s topic. 

You’re going to need to weave a few keywords in there and use labels/tags in order to further enhance the visibility and quality of your blog. 

And don’t forget: you’ll want to always make your entry titles as catchy as possible, and to include keywords in the titles and in the first few sentences of each and every post—that’s where they really, really matter!

Image Credit Acme Photo

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รถมือสอง October 25, 2010 - 12:09 am

Thanks for the info. How often is is often when talking about posting new things. Everyday or every week. Or is it just better the more often?

Jasmine October 25, 2010 - 4:01 am

I think the most important thing is to write original quality content regularly. If you can do this then it will be easier to make a successful blog. 🙂

Free Voip Calls October 25, 2010 - 7:31 am

absolutely content is the king…as long as you are writing unique and meaningful content, your blog will keep getting visitors.

Jasmine October 25, 2010 - 4:02 am

Oh ya, another point is to get out a network with other bloggers. Post comments and participate in discussions on other popular blogs really helps a lot.

Mona October 25, 2010 - 8:05 am

It’s all about striking the right balance, I think. Somewhere in the mid-point between a brilliant post once in a blue moon and pointless waffle posted daily. As long as you bear in mind ‘would I find this interesting?’, I think you’ll be on the right lines.

Anne October 25, 2010 - 8:49 am

I agree with Jasmine, it is indeed important to write original content. Furthermore, writing topics that interest your readers will somehow keep you readers from coming back to your website.

Richard October 25, 2010 - 8:55 am

I think a successful blog is one that gives value back to it’s readers. If you are focused on your topic and build a group of loyal followers, no matter how many visitors you get, then you have a successful blog.

used tires October 25, 2010 - 12:59 pm

You definitely don’t want to overwhelming yourself, but like you said you do want quality content, and in my opinion no matter what you are doing you will want consistency, that’s what keeps you in the game in the long run.

Till then,


Property Marbella October 26, 2010 - 12:12 am

Hi Mona,
Just my three things when you have a blog:
Quality before quantity, informative and not to heavy article,
Be an expert in your niche so you know what you are writing about and can also answer back on the comments.

SEO October 26, 2010 - 3:25 am

You have given really valid points and I do agree with you that the most important thing is to pick up one area of interest and focus on that particular topic…Learn more about that… Keep posting the fresh quality content which is authentic as well and make sure to utilize the keywords properly…

Xavier October 26, 2010 - 4:17 am

Quality, Eye Cache & Not bulk of images in between the posts will make the Blogs successful. Thanks
Business Process Outsourcing

Software Development Company October 26, 2010 - 7:01 am

Write unique and informative content and select your interested topics. Catchy post title is helps to getting visitors.

Alex@Jocuri October 26, 2010 - 1:53 pm

Originality and uniqueness in content will always make you a successful blogger but that isn’t nothing without promotion and marketing. Targeting certain keywords and concentrating on those can help you achieve more exposure and thus help you in your ultimate quest to become a successful blogger!

Keywords to websites October 27, 2010 - 1:09 am

Niche websites are currently the best way to go. Affiliates are scrambling to build lists in such areas and I think its gonna be the hit of 2011..

Car Rental October 27, 2010 - 8:32 am

If you focus specifically on one industry and present more localized information then you would get it more useful for the locals and they are going to love it.

Thailand Resor October 29, 2010 - 2:39 am

Good post. There seem to be a lot of factors needed to really make it a hit. I also think not thinking to wide is better and insead aiming on a smaller taget at first.

Iphone 4 Jailbreak November 1, 2010 - 12:25 am

Nice article Mona , i think the one thing improtant to keep your blog going is to remain motivated and always excited about what you are blogging ….

a blog is all about having that personal touch , which helps to connect with your readers ….


spindle repair November 21, 2010 - 8:05 pm

I agree with the fact that you should definately do your research. Your blog won’t be successful if your just rambling about a subject you have no idea about.

John Papers January 14, 2011 - 2:09 am

Original content is the key to successful blogging i believe.

Chelsea Thomas February 24, 2011 - 10:54 am

I agree! Quality over quantity. Readers want to get straight to the point. They don’t want to sift throught a bunch of irrelevant content, so you’re right, know exactly what you are talking about in your particular niche.


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