Home Blog Marketing 8 Free Web Apps and Tools for Bloggers

8 Free Web Apps and Tools for Bloggers

by amol238

Blogging Tools

There are many amazing web applications and tools that bloggers can use to enrich their blog’s content and visual appeal. The problem with many of these applications and tools is that they cost a fair amount of money. Luckily, there are also many free web apps and tools that bloggers can utilize. If you are thinking of starting a blog or already have one, take a minute to check into some these free options.

WordPress – This fabulous, free software download gives you the ability to make your blog one-of-a-kind and stunning. You can customize the software to your liking and use the free widgets, themes, and plugins as you please. It is the most popular free blogging tool available today and is used on countless websites.

To successfully run the software, you will need to check with your web host to make sure your server will support it. (Click here to use coupon code webtrafficroi and get a 25% discount on hosting)

Paint.NET – If your computer uses the Windows operating system, you can take advantage of this free software download. It allows you to edit images and photos in countless ways, which is great for bloggers that need or want the ability to customize their blog content. The software provides various tools, plugins, and tutorials that are helpful and easy to use.

Bleezer – This free web application provides great blog editing software that is supported by most blog platforms. The app makes it easy to create and publish content to your blog and also allows you to add tags that are compatible with the most popular bookmarking sites. Since it offers many options, you can also easily place and manage ads using this app.

Stock.XCHNG – If you are in need of a photo for your blog, be sure to check with this site that provides thousands of stock photos for free. This tool makes it easy to publish quality images and photos to your blog without paying any royalties. You can also share photos that you have taken with other users. Sharing your photos can bring lots of exposure for your work, which is an added perk of using this free site.

Thingamablog – With this free, multi-platform blogging app, you can create and publish your blog entries with ease. It offers tons of valuable tools that you can use to make your blog stand out from the rest. Before downloading this web application, you should find out if your web host’s server will allow for proper functionality of the software. (Click here to use coupon code webtrafficroi and get a 25% discount on hosting)

PollDaddy – Would you like the ability to create polls and surveys that you can easily publish to your blog? If so, you should check into this site that offers a free version of its software. With the software, you can create surveys and publish them to your blog, allowing you to interact with your blog’s visitors.

You can get visitors’ opinions of certain topics easily and efficiently, which gives you the input you need to make your blog more interesting.

LiveWriter – Windows offers this free web app under its Essentials portion of Windows Live. This app allows you to create visually stunning blog posts in a matter of minutes, and is great because it works well with all major blog services. Another perk of this app is the ability for you to view all blog posts before publishing them, so you can be sure they look as good as possible before your blog’s visitors see them.

FileZilla – This free FTP client gives you the ability to transfer new updates, themes, plugins, and other files from websites to your computer in a short amount of time. It is supported by most major operating systems and offers many different helpful features.

All of these free web apps and tools will give you the resources you need to create a successful blog. They are all user-friendly and come with some level of support. When you discover how efficient these free options are, you will be glad you took the time to check them out.

This is a guest post by Karen Schwitzer, you can check out the guidelines to guest post here.

Image Credit: maqroll

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Jake August 22, 2011 - 12:03 am

We love PollDaddy… it has been a huge help in finding out what our customers want, as well as finding out how we are doing.

Australian beers August 22, 2011 - 4:37 am

Wordpress is great for creating blogs, we have used it several time for our business and it is easy to use for non technical people as well. some CMS sites are not friendly as wordpress such as joomla. livewriter is new to me, i have to try it. thanks

cubicles August 22, 2011 - 9:16 am

Windows Live Writer made my blogging life so easy and beautiful. I’m not really good with html and other technicalities but this tool solved everything for me. Just few days ago I was asking Google how to insert a decent table on a post and Live Writer did it for me in haste.

Sam August 22, 2011 - 11:36 am

I have using wordpress and stock.xchng for a long time but most of these tools are new for me. Thanks for this great post with a great tools, I will check them all!

Michelle August 22, 2011 - 12:14 pm

I use at least four of these on a daily basis and love them. Paint.net is a great alternative to the other free photo programs I’ve used, and I couldn’t go a day without Filezilla.
Oddly enough, I’ve never heard of a couple of these. I’ll have to go check them out.

rakesh kumar August 23, 2011 - 10:29 am

Thanks Karen, How bleezer is different from windows live writter and thingamablog. I am little bit confused, Could you explain me in details as most of the time i love windows live writer.

PF Journal August 23, 2011 - 4:02 pm

I’ve used a couple of things on this list even today. I’ve had especially good luck finding some great royalty-free photos on stock.xchng (or sxc.hu as I like to think of it).

Cars On Sales August 25, 2011 - 10:29 am

I use FileZilla on a daily basis and it works great. Paint.NET looks interesting, is apparently easier than GIMP or Photoshop. Personally I don’t need a lot of functions for working with images so it will be a great choice for me!

Boys Polo Shirts August 25, 2011 - 12:22 pm

I’m not sure I’d say paint.net is actually easier to use than the two you listed, but it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I’ve personally found that at this point I can get my way around it rather quickly and the functionality rivals photoshop. Definitely worth trying if you haven’t already.

iPad Application Developer August 30, 2011 - 2:06 am

I like to use WordPress and I had recently created wordpress blogs. Number of plugins are available for wordpress so that you can download those plugins which helps to your blog more friendly.

Robert@Reverse Phone Search September 10, 2011 - 10:47 am

I use FileZilla and I find it quite easy to use.It is a great tool.Beside that Live Writer and Stock.XCHNG looks pretty interesting.I am going to try it soon and hope it turns out to be useful for me especially Stock.XCHNG as I work a lot with photos.

Dale Green September 13, 2011 - 9:53 pm

I use WordPress in my website.It’s great tool.I will try others tool you provided.Thanks for sharing.

Melbourne real estate November 10, 2011 - 5:11 am

All the apps and tools sounds perfect. I’m interested in these tools because what bloggers are up to always had me interested. I’m sure these apps and tools will help bloggers improve their blogs making it more user friendly and informative.


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