Home Blog Marketing Don’t Do These 15 Mistakes While Blogging

Don’t Do These 15 Mistakes While Blogging

by amol238

Blogging Mistakes

For both newbies or experienced bloggers there are some common blogging mistakes that would be better to avoid, no matter whether you manage a blog just to share your opinion with your friends, or use it to earn money.

The majority of bloggers combine both approaches here – they like to share knowledge and make money in the process. What mistakes should we avoid for our blogs to be pleasant and useful to read?

You are welcome to read top 5 most common mistakes in blogging. Yes, they may seem obvious, but why do any of us forget about them so often? Remember: all brilliant is easy!

 Do not update the blog too often.

 Beginners tend to lose their heads from the new opportunities offered by a blog and start writing daily or even several times a day. In a few weeks the question arises – what is next to write about? A stasis blog does not attract new readers, so, it doesn’t bring you traffic and money as a result.

 Do you have established communication with other bloggers?

 This is a great way to become popular in the blogging community and promote your own blog. Insert links to other people’s blogs or their interesting posts of your niche, or create a page with links to your favorite blogs.


 Comments are the most important tool for building a dialogue and a way to become a recognizable person in your field. When you read a really standing post, make sure to leave your opinion or idea on it. But no spam! Most blogs let you leave a link to your own blog together with your comment, and it will definitely raise your search engine rankings.

 Do not write for search engines, write for people.

 Today many people are concerned about SEO, and they forget about their clients’ needs. Keywords are important, but keep in mind the interests of your readers as well. Remember, that only your blog’s visitors ensure its success or collapse. When you give valuable advice and provide useful information, readers will come to your blog again and again.

Don’t forget about niche

When you choose a niche for your blog, try to follow it. As far as you understand, your readers will visit your blog to find interesting and useful information on the exact topic, so, it will be quite strange to find a post about how to cook a cake instead of new gadgets’ reviews that were always present at your blog.

Don’t copy other works

This rule doesn’t even need to be discussed. Forget about copy-paste, and write unique and informative articles. Search engines will not like this for sure, and your blog will be banned as a result.

Don’t ignore optimization

A good content of your blog is not enough for it to become popular at once. Very often blogs owners spend more time on their optimization than content writing, because the main task here is to make people know about your blog’s existence. There is no need to spend much money for blog optimization at once, because you can try all free methods first: guest posting, links sharing, RSS, re-linking, social networks etc.

Don’t make grammar and spelling mistakes

Respect your readers, try to write without mistakes, as they can easily undermine your visitors’ trust. Even if you use a spell checker, don’t forget to re-read your blog’s published articles from time to time, as it often happens that you can notice their weak points and correct them.

Don’t use much ads

We don’t want to say that you shouldn’t use advertisements at your blog at all. The main point here is to use them wisely. Users come to your blog to find interesting and informative posts first of all, and they won’t be happy to see dozens of different ads there which don’t let them find blog’s content at all. People don’t like numerous pop-ups and pop-unders, too bright banners, dozens of advertising links in articles that lead to nowhere. All this stuff can easily make readers leave your blog forever.

 Don’t write about anything you don’t actually know

At best, they will frankly laugh at you, taking your articles as a real bullshit. At worst, you can put a human life at risk. Why so strict? For example, if your blog is devoted to medicine, the slightest mistake in the components dosage may cause unpredictable consequences. And this is you who will be guilty, not the one who was wrong. So, our advice to bloggers who write on serious subjects devoted to medicine, health, etc.: write only what you are 100% sure, no gags allowed.

Don’t lie to your readers

Try to be honest with your readers, write the truth and don’t be afraid to confess anything or admit your weak points. We all understand that it’s impossible to know everything. Anyway, your readers will appreciate your honesty for sure.

Don’t criticize other bloggers

 The Internet is the world full of individuality, and everyone expresses himself here. So, even if you disagree with other bloggers, try not to criticize them too much. Your strict critics can negatively influence your own blog’s popularity and reputation, as you never know whether your readers support you or not. Yes, it can be a quite effective method of self-promotion, but, unfortunately, you won’t get a good reputation in such a way.

 Don’t call yourself a newbie

Let’s try to think logically: does anyone want to trust newbies if there are many other more popular and reputable blogs? Certainly, you shouldn’t lie to your readers, but you can make an exception here. Try to represent yourself as a pro of your niche, who perfectly knows and understands what he is writing about. Or just don’t call yourself a newbie at least.

Don’t ignore “About the author” page

A blog’s visitors want to know whose articles they read when come to your blog. Tell a bit about yourself, describe who you are and why you manage this blog. Try to give general information and tell about your interests, hobbies, aims in life. People like sincere and open-minded people, and it will be pleasant for them to know you better. Anyway, there is no need to tell your whole biography and describe every year of your life in details.

Don’t think about money only

 Your readers won’t be happy to see how you blog turns into one more advertising project. Be yourself, write about what you like, think of your blog content and share your thoughts instead of just trying to make money. Money will come after your blog’s popularity and loyal audience.

 Avoid these mistakes, establish connections, and communicate with your readers and other bloggers! Happy blogging!

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Website hosting in assam April 24, 2013 - 6:00 pm

I agree that blogging can be very therapeutic and allow one to get some things off their chest. Need to be careful is that is the medium you are using to vent so that the post still comes across as credible and also maintains a fair and balanced perspective on the topic.

Alex Strike April 25, 2013 - 2:57 am

Than kyou for your comment! There are many dos and don’t that can be applied to blogging, and every blogger’s task is to do his best and work hard to make his blog really good!

Bipul Khan April 25, 2013 - 3:28 am

most of the blogger do these mistakes, we should beware of making these mistakes. Thanks a lot Alex for the article 🙂

Alex Strike April 26, 2013 - 2:28 am

You are welcome, my friend! As a blogger, I understand that some of these mistakes are not easy to avoid. But we should try at least))

Have a nice day!

Jasmine April 25, 2013 - 5:34 am

These are really some of the points which every blogger should be aware of. It’s not easy to create a successful blog, especially now where there are too many similar blogs in the same niches.

Thank you so much for your pointers, Alex. They are really useful reminders, even for experienced bloggers like myself. 🙂

Alex Strike April 25, 2013 - 7:27 am

Hello Jasmine!

Glad to hear that even such an experienced bloggers like you find this article useful 🙂

Dell April 25, 2013 - 6:09 am

Very nice post of the day. I hope every one should get the maximum benefit from this.

Alex Strike April 25, 2013 - 7:28 am

Thank you, my friend!

ZK April 25, 2013 - 8:34 am

Awesome list Alex….building trust is very important for your blog..”Don’t lie to your readers” is a great point here.

Alex Strike April 25, 2013 - 9:57 am

Thank you ZK!

It’s very pleasant for an author to see that readers find his articles awesome! All the best, my friend!

ZK April 25, 2013 - 3:49 pm

I am blessed to have a super community of readers and guest contributors. I thank you for being a part of the community.

Rew April 25, 2013 - 5:49 pm

I was really surprised to find that I follow most of the things you’ve set down. I was expecting to find myself doing many more mistakes. However, the big one I have missed out on is my “about” page. Overall I think you have made a really great base for any blogger and a great check list to make sure the seasoned bloggers aren’t forgetting any of the so easy to forget simple stuff.

Alex Strike April 26, 2013 - 2:27 am

I am glad I’ve helped you see what you’ve missed about blogging) I think that “about” page is a must if you want your readers to understand where they come, who the author is, and what they will found there. it will help them to see that you really care about your blog’s visitors.


Cassie R. Pak April 27, 2013 - 4:12 am

No matter how experienced you are, we all make the same mistakes when it comes to blogging. These blogging tips will help you avoid them.

Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:31 am

Thank you for your comment, Cassie! It’s pleasant to hear that you agree with my point of view))


jay April 27, 2013 - 5:54 am

Mistakes often happens, but with the hints pointed out, there is no chance of revising those blunder.

Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:33 am

Yes, Jay, you are right. Hints are pointed out, and it is good to try to remember it also)) Because if you just read it and don’t follow, it’s obvious that they won’t work for you!

All the best!

ana April 29, 2013 - 4:00 am

these comments helps who are willing to guest blog.
I am one of the many.

Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:35 am

Hello Ana!

Thanks for your comment! Glad to hear that my article can help you. Happy guest blogging to you!

Sarvesh Darak April 29, 2013 - 8:39 am


Well the first thing which every one should avoid is posts consistency(regular posting) which would define the quality of a blog.

thanks for the awesome tips.

Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:36 am

You are always welcome Sarvesh!

John Gibb April 30, 2013 - 2:30 am

hi Alex,

I feel your article, as I’ve written a similar post this month… “Blogging is Not Dead, You’re Just Doing it Wrong”. Please allow a few short comments; maybe it’ll drive discussion further…

You say…

“Do not update the blog too often.”

I understand your point. I’ve seen niche blogs in all kinds of industries, ranking top #1, and getting lots of traffic (by my research and estimates), and guess what? The last time they published a new article was months or years ago…

I’ve seen Google reward (with traffic and ranks) blogs that publishes more often, yet, I have yet to see Google penalize or decrease the ranks of those sites sitting on top (#1) who are dormant in content and comments…

Maybe there’s an up and coming update? I’d call it… Bat – what do you think? 🙂

Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:45 am

Hello John!

Thank you for your comment! Yes, I understand what you are talking about. I think that those blogs’ popularity depends not only on how often they post their articles. Maybe they combine many tricks to promote their blogs and make them more popular among readers and for search engines as well… SEO for example, the quality of the content itself, not its quantity…

Blogging is so unpredictable, especially today, when there are millions of various blogs on the Wrb, and everyone wants to make his blog #1.

I think that it’s good to post regularly, but it doesn’t mean you should do it every day, or post 2-3 posts a day even.


Alex Strike April 30, 2013 - 2:36 am

Wow! It’s really pleasant to hear this from you! I hope you haven’t found many mistakes with your own blog? Happy blogging!

Evan May 1, 2013 - 4:33 pm

Interesting! I used to post content to my blog way too frequently and would wonder why my traffic would decrease or why my website would completely disappear from google… Thanks for the tips here

Alex Strike May 7, 2013 - 2:35 am

You are always welcome, Evan! I will be happy if my article helps you and other bloggers understand what we do wrong and change it for better.

Best regards!

Bee Sting Cream May 2, 2013 - 2:43 am

Blogging can be therapeutic, the post should be credible and also maintains a fear and prospective topic.

Alex Strike May 7, 2013 - 2:36 am

Topic is very important, you are right. A blogger should understand what people want to see when they visit his blog, and give it to them.

Mobile Application Development May 10, 2013 - 2:58 am

Write unique, consistence and audience captivate, you will earn the credibility you looking for through blogging.

Alex Strike May 13, 2013 - 3:05 am

Yes, unique content is very important in blogging. And I think that all bloggers know that audience is the most important thing to pay attention to, though unfortunately they often forget about it and start writing for search engines, using many inappropriate links and ads where it’s unnecessary to do.


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