Home Blog Marketing Why You, Dear Readers, Should Get Gravatars

Why You, Dear Readers, Should Get Gravatars

by amol238


All of us here know the value of comments. Don’t know the value of comments? Well, if I didn’t know how to beat a dead horse well, I wouldn’t be a blogger. Well written comments have the power to do the following:

Of course, one lesser known and lesser utilized advantages of commenting on blogs is spreading your brand. Sure, this happens to an extent with every comment, provided you use the same commentator name and link back to the same blog. But if this is all you do, you are missing out on something big!

Gravatar: The Marketing Hero

Gravatars help you spread your brand even further when you comment through one simple implementation: It uploads a photo that stands beside each of your comments. So now, not only will people start seeing and recognizing your name on the blogs that you frequently comment, they will also start seeing and recognizing your picture or blog logo.

For those of you unfamiliar with Gravatar, it’s a globally recognized avatar, and it automatically associates an image and link of your choosing (both representing your Gravatar) with your email address. Best of all, it’s hard to find a blog that doesn’t integrate Gravatar’s seamlessly into their comments.

Not only do Gravatars help spread your brand with an image, they also save you time. You no longer have to keep filling in links to your blog whenever you comment; all you have to do is type in the email associated with your Gravatar and Gravatar will take care of the rest, providing the rest of the blogosphere with your pretty picture and link back to your blog.

Three Effective Tips For Making Your Gravatar Snazzy

Now that you know the importance of having a Gravatar, let’s look into ways to help your Gravatar stand out:

1) Use Contrast Effectively. Think about the blogs you comment on most. Do they have white backgrounds? Perhaps you should use a colorful or dark background for your Gravatar image. Of course, you also want to make sure the background of your image has enough contrast to differentiate from the object of your image.

2) Use a high quality image and interesting composition. Believe it or not, despite how tiny a Gravatar image appears on blogs, I’ve still seen some that are pixilated. This is the complete mark of an unprofessional. Upload your image at maximum resolution (512 pixels wide), and also try to use a clean and clear (but interesting) composition. If there are too many little things going on in the image, it will look like a pile of digital puke.

3) Face or Logo? Honestly, I think you can go either way with this one. Since there are so many Gravatars with faces and since so many portraits of faces look virtually the same, I’m more inclined to say that a unique logo would be more memorable. Still, you can be creative and really do a lot with editing and color manipulation on your portrait. Also, having a face behind your comment (and your blog) is a powerful gesture that wins the hearts and loyalty of many readers.

This is a guest post by Carol Wilson, you can check out the guidelines to guest post here.

Image Credit: Will Lion

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TrafficColeman August 4, 2011 - 6:35 pm

You must have a presents online and be recognize, if you don’t then no one will ever follow you.

“Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

Jasmine August 4, 2011 - 9:53 pm

Good one, this is one of the best articles explaining the benefits of using Gravatar. Luckily, I have my Gravatar picture setup already!

Jasmine August 4, 2011 - 9:53 pm

Oh yes, nearly forgot to ask… how do you like my Gravatar picture? 🙂

Ahmad Badyari August 6, 2011 - 3:34 am

Gravatar are the way to recognize among the other blogger and readers

Cinz August 6, 2011 - 9:44 pm

Now I understand the importance of Gravatars.. never paid much attention to them before. Guess I should go and get started on creating one!

Daniel White August 7, 2011 - 9:13 am

I’ve personally never been a big fan of Gravatars, both using them myself and having them used on my blogs (which is why I disabled them).

Maybe it’s only me, but I sometimes find them to be rather distracting at times.

Thesis Theme Bonus August 7, 2011 - 9:38 am

Without a gravatar readers will not take your comments seriously, its a trust and credibility factor…every blogger and commentator should get one.

Johannes August 9, 2011 - 2:42 am

Haven’t thought about putting a logo as Gravatar picture, that would be nice.

Akshay @webmasters network August 21, 2011 - 9:35 am

That’s the reason why I use gravatar while commenting. Using a Gravatar puts a belief that the commentator is genuine and not any bot. Also, the comment readers may find the commentators posts useful and may jump to their blog, that means better seo and traffic and popularity in brand. Using a gravatar has always been a great option. One should get a gravatar now, if he doesn’t has one!
Anyways, thanks for sharing this post! Keep it up!

Agilito September 5, 2011 - 4:18 pm

Sometimes there is no time to add gravatar, unfortunately, but the user still leaves a comment yet – because I necessarily want to share with others.

Kelli October 9, 2011 - 12:52 am

I agree – a gravatar is worth a thousand words. So many people want to associate a face with a comment or opinion.


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